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FSC -SudOuest - List of Participants

1. Olivier aka "Eiilorv"FCastres-Gironde912Stormcast EternalsLa guildyes0
2. Louis aka "Huskarl"FAndernos-Les-Bains798Grand Alliance OrderGRABUJyes0
3. Florian aka "Cebed"FSt Quentin De Baron56Lumineth Realm-LordsLa guildyes0
4. Thomas aka "Karrig"FLabouheyre137Grand Alliance Chaosyes0
5. Franck aka "Lalchimiste"FBoucau187Grand Alliance ChaosLes Griffonsyes0
6. Nicolas aka "Marsu"FBordeaux61Grand Alliance OrderLes Griffonsyes0
7. Erwan aka "Pacifieur"FCornebarrieu53Sons of BehematLa Meuteyes0
8. Enzo aka "Yellow_Cold_Cuba_Banana"FBayonne475Idoneth DeepkinThe boysyes0
9. Jérôme aka "MELI0DAS"FBiscarosse540Orruk WarclansFrakass' Team des batailles fantyes0
10. Clément aka "Jacknife"FToulouse144Sons of BehematFig'Oxitanyes0
11. Tomasz aka "Runfixe"FBreuil-Magné122Slaves to DarknessDrak’Aunisyes0
12. Nicolas aka "Vil"FToulouse412Beasts of ChaosFig'Oxitanyes0
13. Oscar aka "ScarF4"FColombes463Stormcast EternalsDescendants orageyes0
14. Alexandre aka "Calas"FOndres1117Stormcast EternalsThe boysyes0
15. Jérémy aka "Argeltol"FToulon103Cities of SigmarLes Adeptes du Grasyes0
16. Baptiste aka "catheter"FLimoges162Blades of Khorneyes0
17. Alexandre aka "Acortex"FSalon De Provence199Daughters of KhaineCartelyes0
18. Xavier aka "Xato"FPoitiers196Grand Alliance Orderyes0
19. Christophe aka "dommage"FToulouse474Soulblight GravelordsFEAyes0
20. Robert aka "RobJenx"FChef-Boutonne88Grand Alliance OrderDrak’Aunisyes0
21. Thibaut aka "choupak"FGif-Sur-Yvette98Hedonites of Slaaneshyes0
22. Guillaume aka "G-1100"FAigrefeuille D'aunis20Nighthauntyes0
23. Rémi aka "Morgrom"FToulouse271Grand Alliance ChaosFig'Oxitanyes0
24. Erwan aka "Toucan_du_turfu"FBegles118Grand Alliance ChaosLes Griffonsyes0
25. Charles aka "Lhugannuin2"FBrie909NighthauntAAJHyes0
26. Kevin aka "Dante_Amadeus"FAuneau-Bleury_Saint-Symphorien74Grand Alliance ChaosLes Adeptes du Grasyes0
27. Arthur aka "Lescrow"FRouen16Lumineth Realm-LordsSect of monksyes0
28. David aka "Lonewolf31"FSainte-Geneviève-Des-Bois-Grand Alliance OrderACEyes0
29. Mehdi aka "Babi"FToulouse207Orruk WarclansLes Adeptes du Grasyes0
30. Typhaine aka "theophaniel"FParis-Grand Alliance Chaosyes0

Distribution of Armies
Grand Alliance Chaos:6
Grand Alliance Order:5
Stormcast Eternals:3
Lumineth Realm-Lords:2
Orruk Warclans:2
Sons of Behemat:2
Beasts of Chaos:1
Blades of Khorne:1
Cities of Sigmar:1
Daughters of Khaine:1
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Idoneth Deepkin:1
Slaves to Darkness:1
Soulblight Gravelords:1
Distribution of Origins
Haute-Garonne (31):6
Gironde (33):5
Landes (40):3
Charente-Maritime (17):2
Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64):2
Bouches-du-Rhône (13):1
Charente (16):1
Eure-et-Loir (28):1
Seine-Maritime (76):1
Deux-Sèvres (79):1
Var (83):1
Vienne (86):1
Haute-Vienne (87):1
Essonne (91):1
Hauts-de-Seine (92):1
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