No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid |
1. | Fabian aka "Celtic_" | Herne | 41 | Galactic Empire | White Rabbit Essen | yes |
2. | Patrick aka "Evan" | Grevenbroich | 61 | Scum and Villainy | | yes |
3. | Sascha aka "KnoxvilleBS" | Schwülper | 59 | Scum and Villainy | SZ-Wing | yes |
4. | Nils aka "Brakelmann" | Bardowick | 70 | Rebel Alliance | naked Wookies | yes |
5. | Mathias aka "Dete" | Springe | 178 | Scum and Villainy | X-Wing Selbsthilfegruppe | yes |
6. | Kolja aka "Bolofar" | Hamburg | 20 | Rebel Alliance | Lasergurken | yes |
7. | Jan aka "Mondsucht" | Vechelde | 63 | Scum and Villainy | SZ-Wing | yes |
8. | Steffen aka "White_Templer" | Erfurt | 38 | Scum and Villainy | Thüringer Bratwursttorpedos | yes |
9. | Torsten aka "Toto75" | Lengede | 51 | Rebel Alliance | SZ-Wing | yes |
10. | Sören aka "Kleiner_Fehler" | Erfurt | 8 | Galactic Empire | Thüringer Bratwursttorpedos | yes |
11. | Tim aka "TIMB0" | Leun | 183 | Rebel Alliance | Lahntal Kartell | yes |
12. | Andreas aka "Devilrockhardcorekid" | Hamburg | 34 | Galactic Empire | Lasergurken | yes |
13. | Piotr aka "Piter" | Emden | 60 | Galactic Empire | | yes |
14. | Alexander aka "Alexk1337" | Wolfenbüttel | 40 | Scum and Villainy | SZ-Wing | yes |
15. | Peter aka "Mighty" | Hamburg | 6 | Scum and Villainy | Kellerkinder | yes |
16. | Jörn aka "Charge99" | Essen | 84 | Galactic Republic | White Rabbit | yes |
17. | Martin aka "HenryFaber" | Oetzen | 25 | Galactic Republic | | yes |
18. | Erik aka "X-racer" | Sankt Peter-Ording | 95 | Resistance | Rock'n Dize | yes |
19. | Johannes aka "han248" | Malchow | 4 | Resistance | Rock'n Dize | yes |
20. | Björn aka "Bobby1502" | Kiel | 48 | Separatist Alliance | Alex & Björn | yes |
21. | Arne aka "Taloncor" | Hamburg | 9 | Galactic Empire | | yes |
22. | Bülent aka "berlin_topgun" | Berlin | 24 | Rebel Alliance | Flight Club Berlin | yes |
23. | Timo aka "Coryn" | Buseck | 28 | Scum and Villainy | Wookieetreiber | yes |
24. | Bastian aka "DekoRator" | Goslar | 32 | Galactic Empire | X-Wing Selbsthilfegruppe | yes |
Distribution of Armies |
Scum and Villainy: | 8 |
Galactic Empire: | 6 |
Rebel Alliance: | 5 |
Galactic Republic: | 2 |
Resistance: | 2 |
Separatist Alliance: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Hamburg: | 4 |
Erfurt: | 2 |
Bardowick: | 1 |
Berlin: | 1 |
Buseck: | 1 |
Emden: | 1 |
Essen: | 1 |
Goslar: | 1 |
Grevenbroich: | 1 |
Herne: | 1 |
Kiel: | 1 |
Lengede: | 1 |
Leun: | 1 |
Malchow: | 1 |
Oetzen: | 1 |
Sankt Peter-Ording: | 1 |
Schwülper: | 1 |
Springe: | 1 |
Vechelde: | 1 |
Wolfenbüttel: | 1 |