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Star Wars Open Waaagh 2015 - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FAxel aka "Azkel"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
FJohann aka "Darth_Sevicious"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - La Cuillère de bois
FRenaud aka "alde"player-award-armycompBest Army Composition

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Renaud aka "alde"player-award-armycompFFontenais Sous BoisLes Têtes brûléesGalactic Empire20
2.2.p2Yann aka "Nnayl"FRueil MalmaisonScum and Villainy20
3.3.p3Daniel aka "Pelayo"FMontgeronLes Têtes brûléesGalactic Empire20
4.4.Pierre aka "Futil"FIssy-Les-MoulineauxLes Têtes brûléesGalactic Empire20
5.5.François aka "Sanityria"FParisGalactic Empire20
6.6.Axel aka "Azkel"player-award-bestgeneralFSt Germain en LayeVirgin ProvidorGalactic Empire19
7.7.(anonym)BR2T3Galactic Empire18
8.8.Louis aka "Comborex"FParisLes Têtes brûléesScum and Villainy15
9.9.Jp aka "Shamash"FMaizièresShamashGalactic Empire15
10.10.Sebastien aka "Netice"FParisLes Têtes brûléesRebel Alliance15
11.11.Julien aka "Kingju"FLoperhetRebel Alliance15
12.12.François aka "FrancescoLamas"FBrestRebel Alliance15
13.13.Pierre aka "Drakenstein"FLe pecqLes Têtes brûléesRebel Alliance15
14.14.Dominique aka "DCDP"FAsnières Sur SeineLe Nain BraillardRebel Alliance15
15.15.Diego aka "Da_Dieg"FNoisy Le GrandGalactic Empire15
16.16.Patrice aka "Thymir"FCourcouronnesGalactic Empire15
17.17.Armand aka "Kantor81"FCastresLa Voie du ThalosGalactic Empire15
18.18.Jean-Christophe aka "Icareane"FParisLudoboyzGalactic Empire13
19.19.Jérémy aka "Darshan"FChalautre La GrandeRebel Alliance13
20.20.Sébastien aka "Arturux"FArgenteuilPyramid Slave'sRebel Alliance10
21.21.Sebastien aka "Basthyen"FChuisnesGalactic Empire10
22.22.Martial aka "Aedarian"FMorsang Sur OrgeGrenadiers de l'EssonneRebel Alliance10
23.23.Alexandre aka "Dekkeret"FParisRebel Alliance10
24.24.Etienne aka "Azashar"FNancyShamashRebel Alliance10
25.25.Vincent aka "Macvin"FSceauxRebel Alliance10
26.26.Luc aka "luc45"FEpieds En BeauceOrleans WargamesGalactic Empire10
27.27.Alan aka "Destyre"FParisRebel Alliance10
28.28.Henri Nicolas aka "hndc"FParisResistant battle dans l'espace.Galactic Empire10
29.29.Damien aka "Larkinn"FParisRebel Alliance10
30.30.Laurent aka "Kenshin-le-vagabond"FBrétigny Sur OrgeRebel Alliance8
31.31.Thierry aka "Ronimix"FParisPyramid Slave'sGalactic Empire8
32.32.Olivier aka "Roy_Bean"FLe Pré Saint GervaisVirgin ProvidorRebel Alliance5
33.33.Michel aka "MC66"FMassyGrenadiers de l'EssonneRebel Alliance5
34.34.Paul aka "Batobawan"FCachanGalactic Empire5
35.35.William aka "Vulkan4th"FMaisons-AlfortRebel Alliance5
36.36.Kévin aka "Nerro"FLe Blanc MesnilGalactic Empire5
37.37.Cyrille aka "Tir"FLouville La Chenard3AxGalactic Empire3
38.38.Johann aka "Darth_Sevicious"player-award-specialFParisGalactic Empire0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Les Têtes brûlées (6)17.50
2.Shamash (2)12.50
3.Virgin Providor (2)12.00
4.Pyramid Slave's (2)9.00
5.Grenadiers de l'Essonne (2)7.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Paris (10)11.10

Army Results:

1.Scum and Villainy (2)17.50
2.Galactic Empire (19)12.68
3.Rebel Alliance (17)10.65
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