Player | Award |
Alexander aka "Jetelu" | Special Prize - Best - Mercenaries |
Alexander aka "Iskander" | Special Prize - Best - Skorne |
Alexander aka "Iskander" | Best Painted |
Bernhard aka "bnf" | Special Prize - Best - Circle Orboros |
(anonym) | Special Prize - Best - Khador |
Christoph aka "Carstein86" | Special Prize - Best - Cryx |
Daniel aka "DaNDeMeNTo" | Special Prize - Best - Protectorate of Menoth |
(anonym) | Special Prize - Best - Cygnar |
Luca aka "LukeIV" | Special Prize - Highest CP (22) |
Moritz aka "Last-Knight" | Special Prize - Best - Retribution of Scyrah |
Philipp aka "HeldDerWelt" | Special Prize - Fastest Caster Kill (21min 31s) |
Robin aka "Robby_The_Kid" | Special Prize - Best - Legion of Everblight |
Sebastian aka "MassenvernichtungsAffe" | Best Painted |
Tim aka "MundanGT" | Special Prize - Best - Trollbloods |
No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Team |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Martin aka "Prometheus" | München | Prostagutt | Legion of Everblight | 5 |
2. | 2. | Luca aka "LukeIV" | Wuppertal | | Cryx | 4 |
3. | 3. | Niels aka "Isotop" | Düsseldorf | | Retribution of Scyrah | 4 |
4. | 4. | Moritz aka "Last-Knight" | München | | Retribution of Scyrah | 4 |
5. | 5. | Bernhard aka "bnf" | Heidelberg | Dead Fish Syndicate | The Circle Orboros | 4 |
6. | 6. | (anonym) |  | MMM - Mainzer Miniature Munchers | Khador | 4 |
7. | 7. | Robin aka "Robby_The_Kid" | Koblenz | The Lannisters | Legion of Everblight | 4 |
8. | 8. | Christoph aka "Carstein86" | Düsseldorf | Knüppelhasen | Cryx | 4 |
9. | 9. | Philipp aka "Brezel" | Walsrode | Khachamon | Retribution of Scyrah | 3 |
10. | 10. | Nino aka "Torsul" | Berlin | LEROOOY JEEENKINS | Khador | 3 |
11. | 11. | (anonym) |  | Skillfree but Hot | Cygnar | 3 |
12. | 12. | Meik aka "The_Git" | Georgsmarienhütte | Kniffelbrüder | Khador | 3 |
13. | 13. | Alexander aka "Jetelu" | Münster | | Mercenaries | 3 |
14. | 14. | Daniel aka "DaNDeMeNTo" | Wuppertal | MiniwarGamer | Protectorate of Menoth | 3 |
15. | 15. | Gerrit aka "Kriegsspiele" | Münster | | Khador | 3 |
16. | 16. | Benjamin aka "KommanderKhadan" | Essen | MiniwarGamer | Retribution of Scyrah | 3 |
17. | 17. | Alexander aka "Iskander"  | Düsseldorf | Headblast | The Skorne | 3 |
18. | 18. | Jan M. aka "Reo" | Bonn | [TTS] Team Toy Soldiers | Legion of Everblight | 3 |
19. | 19. | Christian aka "Easy" | Düsseldorf | | Protectorate of Menoth | 3 |
20. | 20. | Sebastian aka "MassenvernichtungsAffe" | Saarbrücken | Saar-Machine | The Circle Orboros | 3 |
21. | 21. | Martin aka "Cidster" | Bonn | The North Remembers | The Skorne | 2 |
22. | 22. | Kasper aka "Leonyn" | Duisburg | | The Skorne | 2 |
23. | 23. | Philipp aka "HeldDerWelt" | Bonn | [TTS] Team Toy Soldiers | The Circle Orboros | 2 |
24. | 24. | Tim aka "MundanGT" | Georgsmarienhütte | Kniffelbrüder | Trollblood | 2 |
25. | 25. | Martin aka "Tiny" | Essen | Headblast | Retribution of Scyrah | 2 |
26. | 26. | Erik aka "Darkhammer" | Hainburg | Tabletop Club Rhein Main e.V. | Cryx | 2 |
27. | 27. | Karsten aka "StormDemon" | Lünen | | Khador | 2 |
28. | 28. | Michael aka "Labla" | München | | Cygnar | 2 |
29. | 29. | Bartholomäus aka "Bar-Tank" | Düsseldorf | Headblast | Khador | 2 |
30. | 30. | Marco aka "Hasselhoff79" | Marpingen | Saar-Machine | Khador | 2 |
31. | 31. | Martin aka "gliep" | Hanau | | Trollblood | 2 |
32. | 32. | Frank aka "Rufus" | Köln | Headblast | Trollblood | 2 |
33. | 33. | Alexander aka "Andoika" | Bad Salzuflen | Wir sind nur zum Saufen da! | Cygnar | 1 |
34. | 34. | Patrick aka "Zondrik" | Neuwied | Badhabitz | Cygnar | 1 |
35. | 35. | Markus aka "Mrks" | Bad Salzuflen | Wir sind nur zum Saufen da! | Trollblood | 1 |
36. | 36. | Sebastian aka "AGambler" | Wermelskirchen | | The Circle Orboros | 1 |
37. | 37. | Alexander aka "alex545ander" | Bad Salzuflen | Rote Flut | Khador | 1 |
38. | 38. | Bastian aka "KukiNo1" | Wuppertal | games´n dice | Cryx | 1 |
39. | 39. | Falko aka "faehrmann" | Duesseldorf | | Legion of Everblight | 1 |
40. | 40. | (anonym) |  | | Mercenaries | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |