No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid |
1. | Kevin aka "KeV_" | Villeurbanne | 127 | Sylvaneth | Miscasting boys | no |
2. | Victor aka "El__Cid" | Lyon | - | Fyreslayers | Miscasting Boys Mega Chads | no |
3. | Bastien aka "Ushoran" | Lyon | 211 | Flesh-eater Courts | Miscasting boyz | no |
4. | Benjamin aka "Arkant" | Lyon | 583 | Orruk Warclans | Me, Myself & Co. | yes |
5. | Florent aka "Fiflo" | Lyon | 229 | Tamurkhan’s Horde | Miscasting Boboboys | no |
6. | Damien aka "Agatoa" | Craponne | 1200 | Stormcast Eternals | LWC | yes |
7. | Romain aka "Gadwall" | Lyon | 661 | Stormcast Eternals | Brigade du Lyon | yes |
8. | Kevin aka "Breevy" | Bussières | - | Orruk Warclans | Les Rêveurs de Magamance | no |
9. | Gauthier aka "Rhaziel" | Meillerie | 86 | Grand Alliance Chaos | Rohirims | no |
10. | Tanguy aka "Elonn" | Saint Martin Belle Roche | 134 | Beasts of Chaos | Les poneys fringants | no |
11. | Blaise-Samuel aka "Pere_Blaise" | Sancé | 207 | Slaves to Darkness | AOSSE | yes |
12. | Fabien aka "Zatopek" | Oullins | 1082 | Orruk Warclans | Kradocs des marais | yes |
13. | Jefferson aka "Barsenthor" | La Roche Vineuse | - | Stormcast Eternals | On en a gros | no |
14. | Arthur aka "Darkbonde" | Cluny | 936 | Ossiarch Bonereapers | Sentiers de Magamance | no |
List of teams
No. | Name | Members |
1 | Miscasting boys | KeV_ |
2 | Miscasting Boys Mega Chads | El__Cid |
3 | Miscasting boyz | Ushoran |
4 | Me, Myself & Co. | Arkant |
5 | Miscasting Boboboys | Fiflo |
6 | LWC | Agatoa |
7 | Brigade du Lyon | Gadwall |
8 | Les Rêveurs de Magamance | Breevy |
9 | Rohirims | Rhaziel |
10 | Les poneys fringants | Elonn |
11 | AOSSE | Pere_Blaise |
12 | Kradocs des marais | Zatopek |
13 | On en a gros | Barsenthor |
14 | Sentiers de Magamance | Darkbonde |
Distribution of Armies |
Orruk Warclans: | 3 |
Stormcast Eternals: | 3 |
Beasts of Chaos: | 1 |
Flesh-eater Courts: | 1 |
Fyreslayers: | 1 |
Grand Alliance Chaos: | 1 |
Ossiarch Bonereapers: | 1 |
Slaves to Darkness: | 1 |
Sylvaneth: | 1 |
Tamurkhan’s Horde: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Rhône (69): | 8 |
Saône-et-Loire (71): | 5 |
Paris (75): | 1 |