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Epic Armageddon - Rosarius I - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Vivien aka "Le-Captain"FChâtillon-House Hyperion KnightworldFreelancerno
2. Gaultier aka "Grimaldus50"FSartrouville11Garde impérialTeam IDFno
3. Rudy aka "Kaizereva"FMantes-La-Jolie-Codex Astartes Space Marinesno
4. Gwendall aka "Arhra"FVierzon3Space MarinesLa charge des figurines Bourgesno
5. Dimitri aka "Imkariel"FBresles-Monde chevaliersSensha-dōno
6. Nicolas aka "Soledad"FLapan-Adeptus MechanicusLa charge des figurines Bourgesno
7. Guillaume aka "Ayadan"FSaint-Mandé-Yme-Loc CraftworldSensha-dōno
8. Philippe-Michel aka "Alaric83"FParis26Minervan Tank Legionno
9. Sebastien aka "Sebeul"FLe Subdray-Biel-Tan CraftworldLa charge des figurines Bourgesno
10. Nébil aka "Hasdrubal"FEaubonne12Black Legionno
11. Matthieu aka "Youenn"FParis9Biel-Tan CraftworldTeam IDFno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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