Parties Flintloque GNF8
Description: TiYo animera comme l'année dernière une table de Flintloque : démonstrations et initiations seront à l'ordre du jour. Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici ou bien contacter TiYo
Organizer: Dreadaxe (Contact )
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Gamesystem: Flintloque (FL)
Start: 2007-10-27 12:00
End: 2007-10-28 15:00
Seats: 5
Charge: none
Location: Salle le Gallion Rue Marcel Collange 63360 Gerzat France
Load: 60%
Info: The tournament has ended.
Other tournaments at this event: * Warhammer Fantasy Battles * Warhammer 40K * Confrontation 3/3.5 * Hell Dorado * Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game * Infinity * Warmachine * Epic Armageddon (canceled) * Blood Bowl * AT-43 * WarGods * Demonworld (canceled) * Warzone * Blitzkrieg Commander * Metropolis To the group page
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