Luxembourg 40k Bash |
Description: Solo, 2000pts
Organizers: kiri (Contact), Wally (Contact), Koudelkar (Contact)
Gamesystem: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Start: 2019-10-13 08:00
End: 2019-10-13 19:30
Seats: 26
Charge: 12 €
Centre Sociétaire29 rue de Strasbourg1610 LuxembourgLuxembourg
Load:100% Info: The tournament has ended.
2019-10-07 16:35 Round 1 and lists
Ronde 1 1 Pierrick aka "Le-Roi-Des-Mouettes" v. Loïc aka "Lurdo 2 Florian aka "Sowaa" v. Maximilien aka "Kimberley" 3 Denis aka "Dragon_57" v. Robin aka "Awramz24" 4 Alexandre aka "Behemoth_Xuu" v. Yannick aka "Lessly" 5 Patrice aka "Black-Captain-57" v. Maxim aka "arigatous" 6 Thierry aka "Hemingway" v. Jqe aka "Jqes" 7 Anthony aka "Tomby" v. Stephen aka "Expatrium" 8 Fabien aka "halki" v. Thierry aka "TyP" 9 Lionel aka "Mera57" v. Yann aka "Bonkers" 10 Florian aka "Crataegus" v. Dominik aka "LordIceman" 11 Michel aka "Xalma" v. Benjamin aka "DBZ-buu-buu" 12 Ludovic aka "Lugo" v. Sylvère aka "Senechal_Thalion" 13 Amine aka "Minh" v. Sébastien aka "silversurfer"
And lists (let me know if you see any mistakes)
written by kiri
2019-09-27 08:56 Missions
Missions will be selected among the following ones:
written by kiri
2019-06-21 14:42 Rules pack
The English version of the rules pack le now available
written by kiri