Player Profile - tygnonderohan
Player Profile |
Friends (34)
Description: Vice-président de Morzhol Brezel , et membre de l'assos. Ahn Al Naphra Surnom : D.A.
Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (69500 Points):
- Beastmen - 4500 Points
- Chaos Warriors - 9000 Points
- Daemons of Chaos - 4000 Points
- Dark Elves - 9000 Points
- Dwarfs - 2000 Points
- Empire - 6000 Points
- High Elves - 3000 Points
- Lizardmen - 5000 Points
- Ogre Kingdoms - 8000 Points
- Orcs & Goblins - 5000 Points
- Skaven - 4000 Points
- Vampire Counts - 6000 Points
- Wood Elves - 4000 Points
Warmachine (320 Points):
- Legion of Everblight - 164 Points
- Minions - 53 Points
- Retribution of Scyrah - 35 Points
- The Circle Orboros - 68 Points
Total: 2 Games, 17 Armies, 69820 Points
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