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War-Tavern Extended Cut Edition - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

CHFlorent aka "klug"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Lukas aka "LukasW"CHUsterThe WidmersThe Trolls18
2.2.p2Lars aka "Iten96"CHEnnetbürgenラメンThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains17
3.3.p3Julien aka "Roi-mort"CHRiazLes chevaliers du CaquelonMonsters of Middle-Earth13
4.4.Kevin aka "Nootnoot"CHLausanneLa MeuleLothlórien and Mirkwood12
5.5.Felix aka "Ultranef"CHServionHarad12
6.6.Antonio aka "ElMagnificoo"CHStansラメンAngmar12
7.7.Mathias aka "Helldozer"CHLausanneIsengard7
8.8.Florent aka "FloSawada"CHReverolleLes Francs SuisseMonsters of Middle-Earth6
9.9.Thilien aka "Warsword"CHFerlens, VDThe Black Gate6
10.10.Florent aka "klug"player-award-bestpaintedCHLausanneLes Soyeuses TapoteusesGuardians of the Carrock6
11.11.Francois aka "Fanxoa"CHLausanneBuccaneersMinas Tirith6
12.12.Yannick aka "Kalips"CHLausanneBuccaneersMoria5
13.13.Vincent aka "Petit92"CHFerreyresPetitMordor5
14.14.Marc T.CHLe Mont Sur LausanneMinas Tirith1
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.ラメン (2)14.50
2.Buccaneers (2)5.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Lausanne (5)7.20

Army Results:

1.The Trolls (1)18.00
2.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (1)17.00
3.Angmar (1)12.00
4.Lothlórien and Mirkwood (1)12.00
5.Harad (1)12.00
6.Monsters of Middle-Earth (2)9.50
7.Isengard (1)7.00
8.Guardians of the Carrock (1)6.00
9.The Black Gate (1)6.00
10.Mordor (1)5.00
11.Moria (1)5.00
12.Minas Tirith (2)3.50
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