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6. Berliner Meisterschaft - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DEdu aka "Emc2"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
DJo aka "Jorius"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
DJohann aka "Johann_Siegfried"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
DLasse aka "Das_Vieh"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
DLukas aka "Gor"player-award-fairplayFairest Player
DMatti aka "Matti123"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Wooden Spoon

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"player-award-bestgeneralDOdelzhausenStickstoffboyzAngmar16
2.2.p2Tom aka "pippin26"DGreifswaldGummibeornbandeThe Wizards15
3.3.p3Frederic aka "Gory"DPotsdamSons_of_NerdorThe Serpent Horde15
4.4.Tim aka "timdel95"DNettetalGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains15
5.5.Malte aka "TinHunter"DHannoverHannover WürfelzwergeThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains13
6.6.Martin aka "Mats_SonOfNerdor"DPotsdamSons_of_NerdorAngmar13
7.7.Dustyn aka "Grrum"DTorneschTabletop Nord e.V.The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest13
8.8.Leo aka "PartyPooper"DNürnbergStickstoffboyzThranduil's Halls12
9.9.Antonio aka "HYBERIAS"DEssenHelden des WestensThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains12
10.10.Felix aka "GeneralJong"DNettetalGefährten des NiederrheinsMinas Tirith12
11.11.Conrad aka "Shaconan"DLeipzigMESBG MäuseMinas Tirith12
12.12.Antonio aka "Mr_Hanky"DBerlinGummibeornbandeAngmar12
13.13.Marvin aka "Elgrafi"DPfedelbachGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Dwellers Below12
14.14.Markus aka "Leptys18"DHamburgTabletop Nord e.V.The Shire12
15.15.Tobias aka "Caldan"DLandsbergHallunkenRivendell12
16.16.Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf"DNehlitzHallunkenThe Wanderers in the Wild12
17.17.Manuel aka "M-SB"DKorschenbroichBergische WürfellöwenRivendell12
18.18.Andreas aka "Argontitan"DLindwedelHannover WürfelzwergeThe Wizards11
19.19.Pascal aka "iou"DBerlinMESBG MäuseMoria11
20.20.Lukas aka "Peterpan123"DNettetalGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Dwellers Below10
21.21.Marvin aka "MJG3"DNettetalGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains10
22.22.Marvin aka "Marv99"DKarlsruheGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains10
23.23.Fabian aka "Fabi94"DHamburgTabletop Nord e.V.Angmar10
24.24.Paul aka "PaulN"DRostockGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Fellowship9
25.25.Jascha aka "Hrutur"DHamburgTabletop Nord e.V.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains9
26.26.Max aka "Aignuss"DOdelzhausenStickstoffboyzBarad-dûr9
27.27.Dirk aka "Dirku-hai"DLeonbergKAR-TOF-FELNMoria9
28.28.Danilo aka "KingsHead"DDessau-RoßlauDie EisenbergeErebor9
29.29.Daniel aka "Thungil"DOverathBergische WürfellöwenKhazad-dûm9
30.30.Paul aka "Ragon"DBerlinGummibeornbandeThe Wanderers in the Wild9
31.31.Lukas aka "Tiuz"DBerlinGummibeornbandeRivendell9
32.32.Dennis aka "Smythy"DBerlinG.I.M.P. e.V.Guardians of the Carrock9
33.33.Erik aka "ElendilmitBleistift"DBerlinThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains9
34.34.Marc aka "mbert"DIlvesheimGefährten des NiederrheinsMinas Tirith8
35.35.Jo aka "Jorius"player-award-bestpaintedDBerlinMESBG MäuseMonsters of Middle-Earth8
36.36.Lasse aka "Das_Vieh"player-award-bestpaintedDHamburgTabletop Nord e.V.The Fiefdoms7
37.37.Hauke aka "JayCop"DKielTabletop Nord e.V.Dunland7
38.38.Moritz aka "iMBalin"DKielThe Wizards7
39.39.Andre aka "Andy91"DKirchhainMinas MarburgMordor7
40.40.Tion aka "Tortillon"DBerlinMESBG MäuseAngmar7
41.41.Alexander aka "DHDR"DStadeTabletop Nord e.V.Khazad-dûm6
42.42.Erik aka "Toadwart"DEberswaldeMoria6
43.43.Ralph aka "Gondor"DBerlinMinas Tirith6
44.44.Niels aka "Mr-No-Name"DHennefGefährten des NiederrheinsDurin's Folk6
45.45.Toni aka "Kampfnonne"DDresdenDie EisenbergeThe Army of the High King6
46.46.Johann aka "johannb"DBerlinMoria6
47.47.Martin aka "Martin_der_Grosse"DBerlinGummibeornbandeThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains6
48.48.Dean aka "Druk"DBerlinGIMPS e.v.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains6
49.49.Paul aka "Glamu"DBerlinDurin's Folk6
50.50.Fabian aka "DKay"DNuthetalSons_of_NerdorThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains5
51.51.Heiko aka "Kreisel"DDresdenDie EisenbergeMordor5
52.52.Christian aka "Pelennorfarmer"DBeeskowGummibeornbandeMordor4
53.53.Patrick aka "Ragroth"DBerlinGummibeornbandeThe Trolls4
54.54.Edu aka "Emc2"player-award-bestpaintedDHamburgThranduil's Hall3
55.55.Martin aka "M4RT1N"DBerlinGummibeornbandeDurin's Folk3
56.56.Lukas aka "Gor"player-award-fairplayDWeidenDrei-F(l)uss-HobbitsArmy of Thror3
57.57.Philip aka "ankmarphi"DWeinböhlaDie EisenbergeRohan3
58.58.Matti aka "Matti123"player-award-specialDNorderstedtTabletop Nord e.V.Khazad-dûm1
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Stickstoffboyz (3)12.33
2.Hallunken (2)12.00
3.Hannover Würfelzwerge (2)12.00
4.Sons_of_Nerdor (3)11.00
5.Bergische Würfellöwen (2)10.50
6.Gefährten des Niederrheins (9)10.22
7.MESBG Mäuse (4)9.50
8.Tabletop Nord e.V. (8)8.13
9.Gummibeornbande (8)7.75
10.Die Eisenberge (4)5.75

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Potsdam (2)14.00
2.Odelzhausen (2)12.50
3.Nettetal (4)11.75
4.Hamburg (5)8.20
5.Berlin (15)7.40
6.Kiel (2)7.00
7.Dresden (2)5.50

Army Results:

1.The Serpent Horde (1)15.00
2.The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest (1)13.00
3.Angmar (3)12.67
4.The Shire (1)12.00
5.Thranduil's Halls (1)12.00
6.The Wizards (3)11.00
7.The Dwellers Below (2)11.00
8.Rivendell (3)11.00
9.The Wanderers in the Wild (2)10.50
10.Angmar (2)10.00
11.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (10)9.50
12.Minas Tirith (4)9.50
13.The Fellowship (1)9.00
14.Guardians of the Carrock (1)9.00
15.Erebor (1)9.00
16.Barad-dûr (1)9.00
17.Moria (4)8.00
18.Monsters of Middle-Earth (1)8.00
19.The Fiefdoms (1)7.00
20.Dunland (1)7.00
21.The Army of the High King (1)6.00
22.Khazad-dûm (3)5.33
23.Mordor (3)5.33
24.Durin's Folk (3)5.00
25.The Trolls (1)4.00
26.Army of Thror (1)3.00
27.Thranduil's Hall (1)3.00
28.Rohan (1)3.00
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