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4. Kasseler AoS Turnier - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DCharles aka "CharlieNZ"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
DDaniel aka "DanPo"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
DManuel aka "Flamba"player-award-quizmasterQuizmaster
DMarius aka "Centox"player-award-fairplayFairest Player
DPhilipp aka "PhiSt"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
DSebastian aka "hefferson"player-award-armycompBest Army Composition

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Philipp aka "PhiSt"player-award-bestgeneralDBochumDie Würfelgötter AoSIdoneth Deepkin29
2.2.p2Frank aka "Jace_09"DPoingStormcast Eternals27
3.3.p3Patrick aka "Babywind"DKasselFaszination WargamingKharadron Overlords26
4.4.Tobias aka "Tobi01"DMünchenHammer und SchildDisciples of Tzeentch25
5.5.Manuel aka "Flamba"player-award-quizmasterDVellmarFaszination WargamingStormcast Eternals24
6.6.Tobias aka "Tobias77"DBochumGrand Alliance Chaos23
7.7.Daniel aka "DanPo"player-award-youngbloodDBochumStormcast Eternals22
8.8.Charles aka "CharlieNZ"player-award-bestpaintedDPlieningCrown of ChampionsStormcast Eternals20
9.9.Nico Manuel aka "Omios"DWittenNighthaunt18
10.10.Christian Paul aka "Druss73"DBochumFlesh-eater Courts17
11.11.Manuel aka "Garrett"DSöhrewaldCarlos SklavenGrand Alliance Chaos17
12.12.Sebastian aka "hefferson"player-award-armycompDDüsseldorfFyreslayers16
13.13.Felix aka "legendfs"DMünchenHammer und SchildIronjawz16
14.14.Marius aka "Centox"player-award-fairplayDKasselDaughters of Khaine16
15.15.Stefan aka "Kanazawai"DEssenSlaves to Darkness11
16.16.(anonym)DFaszination WargamingDaemons of Tzeentch9
17.17.Thorsten aka "DocKeule"DAtlantisIdoneth Deepkin7
18.18.Michael aka "misp"DPoingDisciples of Tzeentch5
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Hammer und Schild (2)20.50
2.Faszination Wargaming (3)19.67

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Bochum (4)22.75
2.München (2)20.50
3.Kassel (3)17.00
4.Poing (2)16.00

Army Results:

1.Kharadron Overlords (1)26.00
2.Stormcast Eternals (4)23.25
3.Grand Alliance Chaos (2)20.00
4.Nighthaunt (1)18.00
5.Idoneth Deepkin (2)18.00
6.Flesh-eater Courts (1)17.00
7.Daughters of Khaine (1)16.00
8.Fyreslayers (1)16.00
9.Ironjawz (1)16.00
10.Disciples of Tzeentch (2)15.00
11.Slaves to Darkness (1)11.00
12.Daemons of Tzeentch (1)9.00
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