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OPEN DU SUD 2015 - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FFernando aka "FER"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - De la Patience à une gare !
FOlivier aka "Vigoli"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Gagnant de l'open
FQuentin aka "Quantic"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Meilleur Quentin
FQuentin aka "Alka"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Dernier de l'open

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Olivier aka "Vigoli"player-award-specialFMontpellierClan Bamaka18
2.2.p2Sylvain aka "Nedzegob"FToulouseNephilims15
3.3.p3Guillaume aka "BillyZeKid"FDeuil La BarreCFJISC15
4.4.Fernando aka "FER"player-award-specialFOrléansResistance15
5.5.Mikaël aka "Sleyo"Fla Fare les OliviersResistance15
6.6.Gauthier aka "bourrin"FQuestembertbreizh ricardDante's Angels13
7.7.Sylvain aka "Schreck"FNantesJokers13
8.8.Yohan aka "Bidule"FConflans-Sainte-HonorineCDMNephilims13
9.9.Simon aka "lazy-fimfim"FMontpellierThe Horde12
10.10.Quentin aka "Quantic"player-award-specialFLyonRTSResistance12
11.11.Jérémy aka "Meijin"FBrunoyTeam EdenStigma-Destruction12
12.12.Benoît aka "Aybarra"FParisCFJDante's Angels12
13.13.Fabrice aka "Golden"FJacouTeam EdenResistance10
14.14.Chris aka "quazard"FLyon69003RTSDante's Angels9
15.15.Adrien aka "Pantoufle"FBordeauxG.U.I.L.DMatriarchy9
16.16.Benjamin aka "Veerminar"FArgelliersMatriarchy9
17.17.Erwan aka "thierno"FBourg La ReineMatriarchy9
18.18.Quentin aka "Gierulf-le-loup"FSt Michel de MaurienneSudet SodanISC9
19.19.Mohamed aka "Mohand"FMontpellierTeam EdenStigma-Change9
20.20.Louis aka "Azerkasar"FCondé3°AspectAskari9
21.21.Nicolas aka "nico12"Fst saturnin de lenneNephilims9
22.22.Yannick aka "Sian"FSaint Michel de MaurienneSudet SodanClan Bamaka6
23.23.Alexandra aka "Awiya"FBrunoyClan Bamaka6
24.24.Florian aka "T0ki"FMontpellierAskari6
25.25.Christophe aka "christophe"FVézénobresbavaria 8.6 teamISC3
26.26.Quentin aka "Alka"player-award-specialFMontpellierJokers3
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.CFJ (2)13.50
2.RTS (2)10.50
3.Team Eden (3)10.33
4.Sudet Sodan (2)7.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Montpellier (5)9.60
2.Brunoy (2)9.00

Army Results:

1.Resistance (4)13.00
2.Nephilims (3)12.33
3.The Horde (1)12.00
4.Stigma-Destruction (1)12.00
5.Dante's Angels (3)11.33
6.Clan Bamaka (3)10.00
7.Stigma-Change (1)9.00
8.Matriarchy (3)9.00
9.ISC (3)9.00
10.Jokers (2)8.00
11.Askari (2)7.50
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