No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid |
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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet |
1. | Wolfgang aka "WolleK" | Lülsdorf | 27 | Abyssal Dwarfs | Privateer Poza Boyz | no |
2. | Christian aka "Galain" | Ruppichteroth | 73 | Empire of Dust | Privateer Poza Boyz | no |
3. | Ake aka "Natasake" | Köln | 9 | Aztecs | Privateer Poza Boyz | no |
4. | Tim aka "Tie_Key" | Solingen | 7 | Nightstalkers | Bergisches Kaffeetrinken | no |
5. | Stephan aka "Zurujin" | Fellbach | 64 | Trident Realms of Neritica | Gentlemen's Dice Club | no |
6. | Constantin aka "Owlbear" | Waiblingen | 85 | Northern Alliance | Gentlemen's Dice Club | no |
Distribution of Armies |
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Distribution of Origins |
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