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The Great MaW - Solo MESBG GT - List of Participants

1. Cyril aka "Chocapic"FLille41Théoden's HostLes Chatards !yes
2. Vincent aka "Beleriand"FBaisieux385The EasterlingsLes Chatards !yes
3. Chloé aka "MiniChloe"FLille46EreborSFJyes
4. Grégoire aka "Gregbag"FLille233MordorLes Chatards !yes
5. Yatiri aka "ortzi-04"FInchy En Cambresis-Thranduil's Hallsyes
6. Flavien aka "DeK"F59780 - Baisieux122RivendellLes Chatards !yes
7. (anonym)-Minas MorgulLes Chatards !yes
8. Grégoire aka "Gribouille"FWasquehal-Khazad-dûmLes Chatards !yes
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9. Julien aka "Morachti"FAblain Saint Nazaire-Théoden's HostGuerre, Salsifis !no
10. Charles aka "CBFM"FFourmies-Thranduil's HallGuerre, Salsifis !no
11. Ludovic aka "Maghterigon"BBruxelles499RohanGuerre, Salsifis !no
12. Louis aka "Chtieur"FProvin108IsengardLes petits loupsno
13. Florian aka "Dark-Florian"FMarck224Desolator of the NorthSquigs du Nordno
14. Jean aka "Primaris59"FVilleneuve D'ascq-Cirith Ungolno
15. Thierry aka "Folifoot"FHouilles40The Legions of the White HandSFJno

Distribution of Armies
Minas Morgul:1
The Easterlings:1
Théoden's Host:1
Thranduil's Halls:1
Distribution of Origins
Nord (59):7
Pas-de-Calais (62):1
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