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The Great MaW - Solo MESBG GT - List of Participants

1. Cyril aka "Chocapic"FLille83Théoden's HostLes Chatards !yes
2. Vincent aka "Beleriand"FBaisieux390The EasterlingsLes Chatards !yes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
3. Chloé aka "MiniChloe"FLille44EreborSFJno
4. Grégoire aka "Gregbag"FLille364MordorLes Chatards !no
5. Julien aka "Morachti"FAblain Saint Nazaire-Théoden's HostGuerre, Salsifis !no
6. Charles aka "CBFM"FFourmies-Thranduil's HallGuerre, Salsifis !no
7. Ludovic aka "Maghterigon"BBruxelles490RohanGuerre, Salsifis !no
8. Louis aka "Chtieur"FProvin109IsengardLes petits loupsno

Distribution of Armies
The Easterlings:1
Théoden's Host:1
Distribution of Origins
Nord (59):2
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