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The Kraken's Wrath IV - König der Freibeuter - List of Participants

1. Jan aka "Gnortz"DHamburg24Brotherhood Without BannersTabletop Freibeuteryes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
2. Julius aka "eXe"DBörnsen126BaratheonTabletop Freibeuterno
3. Eugen aka "Eule22459"DHamburg388GreyjoyTabletop Freibeuterno
4. Christoph aka "MrMayo"DMagdeburg12TargaryenTabletop Magdeburg e.V.no
5. Peter aka "ElErecose"DHamburg254TargaryenTabletop Freibeuterno
6. Ben aka "Nobody040"DGeesthacht141Night's WatchTabletop Freibeuterno
7. Gianluca aka "legolinho"DDettum-MartellKellerKinder Tabletop e.V.no
8. Carsten aka "Kiefer"DSaarbrücken14BaratheonTabletop Freibeuterno
9. Max Ole aka "Slapsh0t"DHamburg-Night's Watchno
10. Max aka "Skarre"DBuchholz in der Nordheide70MartellTabletop Freibeuterno

Distribution of Armies
Brotherhood Without Banners:1
Distribution of Origins
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