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THE NACHMUND TOURNAMENT - List of Participants

1. Yaya aka "DrSithis"FBlendecques854Adepta SororitasEpoques Epiquesyes
2. Romain aka "Mistakes"FCalais184Adeptus CustodesLes Darksyes
3. Andy aka "Andy-"FZudausques197Thousand SonsEpoques Epiquesyes
4. Germain aka "teclis62"FArques148T'au EmpireLe Dark Epiquesyes
5. Philippe aka "Nemesis62100"FCalais1695Chaos Space MarinesLe DARKyes
6. David aka "Khorak"FLE PORTEL287DrukhariFOUS DU PIONyes
7. Sly aka "Thrudd"FSt Martin Boulogne1830Chaos Space MarinesFOUS DU PIONyes
8. Romain aka "Prophix"FLe Portel595Adepta SororitasFOUS DU PIONyes
9. Dany aka "Deadalucard"FST LEONARD866OrksFOUS DU PIONyes
10. Benoit aka "Skritch"FFauquembergues2059NecronsEpoques Epiquesyes
11. Axel aka "Sboubie62"FGuines2710Death GuardSboubie62yes
12. Vincent aka "Nicholl"FSerques1737Space Marinesepoque epique (UM)yes

Distribution of Armies
Adepta Sororitas:2
Chaos Space Marines:2
Adeptus Custodes:1
Death Guard:1
Space Marines:1
T'au Empire:1
Thousand Sons:1
Distribution of Origins
Pas-de-Calais (62):12
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