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Les Fast and Furious d'Uchronies - 35 points - List of Participants

1. Jason aka "slec"FIvry-sur-Seine44Retribution of Scyrahslecyesyes
2. Gilles aka "robomatix"FCreil692KhadorPiece of cakeyesyes
3. Benjamin aka "MrB"FParis474The Circle Orborosyesyes
4. Nicolas aka "Furtif"FChatou186Cryxyesyes
5. (anonym)-The Circle Orborosyesyes
6. Guillaume aka "BillyZeKid"FBezons-Retribution of ScyrahCFJyesyes
7. Jonathan aka "Millia"FMaisons Alfort583The SkorneLe Seumyesyes
8. Clem aka "Kerk_"FMeylan530KhadorLudoboyzyesyes
9. Sylvain aka "Brisou"FFontenay sous bois695Legion of EverblightPiece of cakeyesyes
10. Erwan aka "thierno"FBourg La Reine428Protectorate of Menothyesyes
11. Alvaro aka "Allb"FHerblay46Trollbloodyesyes
12. Julien aka "Samael"FCourbevoie441Retribution of ScyrahLudoboyzyesyes
13. Vincent aka "carcous"FPantin132Legion of EverblightCFJyesyes
14. Corben aka "K-reem"FL'Haÿ-les-Roses610CryxLe Seumyesyes
Waiting Queue
15. Yugo aka "3xSix"FBoulogne-Billancourt382Legion of Everblightyesyes
16. Victor aka "Tec"FBoulogne-Billancourt107TrollbloodLudoboyzyesyes

Distribution of Armies
Retribution of Scyrah:3
Legion of Everblight:2
The Circle Orboros:2
Protectorate of Menoth:1
The Skorne:1
Distribution of Origins
Val-de-Marne (94):4
Paris (75):2
Hauts-de-Seine (92):2
Val-d'Oise (95):2
Isère (38):1
Oise (60):1
Yvelines (78):1
Seine-Saint-Denis (93):1
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