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Gaming Clubs - Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Figurines

Club Details
Name: Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Figurines
Contact: kiri (Contact)
Meeting Place: Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Figurines
Address: 15 avenue de la Faiencerie
1511 Luxembourg
Description: more information: https://www.facebook.com/F%C3%A9d%C3%A9ration-Luxembourgeoise-de-figurines-fantastiques-et-futuristes-1126784527451599/
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Federation-Luxembourgeo
contactContactmembershipRequest membership

MembersTabletopsClub PlacementsTournaments
0. Place in the LotR-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the XWING-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the DT-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the WUS-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the ASoIF-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the TOW-clubranking of Europe
39. Place in the T9A-clubranking of Europe
133. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of Europe
181. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of Europe
426. Place in the W40K-clubranking of Europe
43. Place in the T9A-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the WUS-clubranking of BBelgium
0. Place in the TOW-clubranking of BBelgium
13. Place in the T9A-clubranking of BBelgium
41. Place in the W40K-clubranking of BBelgium
0. Place in the LotR-clubranking of LLuxembourg
0. Place in the DT-clubranking of LLuxembourg
0. Place in the ASoIF-clubranking of LLuxembourg
1. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of LLuxembourg
3. Place in the W40K-clubranking of LLuxembourg
14. Place in the T9A-clubranking of LLuxembourg
17. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of LLuxembourg
0. Place in the XWING-clubranking of FFrance
0. Place in the DT-clubranking of FFrance
0. Place in the WUS-clubranking of FFrance
0. Place in the ASoIF-clubranking of FFrance
37. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of FFrance
43. Place in the T9A-clubranking of FFrance
70. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of FFrance
235. Place in the W40K-clubranking of FFrance
10. Place in the T9A-clubranking of IItaly

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