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4. Leipzig Open - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DChristian aka "DeathWalkingTerror"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bester B-B-B-Bountyhunter
DDaniel aka "TrevorColby"player-award-bestgeneralBest General

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Daniel aka "TrevorColby"player-award-bestgeneralDBerlinFlight Club BerlinRebel Alliance12
2.2.p2Roman aka "NoSkilltoKill"DErfurtThüringer BratwursttorpedosScum and Villainy9
3.3.p3Jannis aka "Dr_Fridge"DBerlinX-SwingersSeparatist Alliance9
4.4.Emanuel aka "Creed008"DAn der SchmückeThüringer BratwursttorpedosGalactic Empire9
5.5.Tobi aka "vodrag"DGreifswaldX-SwingersGalactic Empire6
6.6.Jonas aka "PiQachu"DBerlinX-SwingersResistance6
7.7.Arne aka "meeouw"DLutherstadt WittenbergIncredible DicefuckersGalactic Republic6
8.8.Alexander aka "Resonanzo"DBerlinFlight Club BerlinRebel Alliance6
9.9.David aka "DaveKing"DBerlinFlight Club BerlinFirst Order6
10.10.Christian aka "DeathWalkingTerror"player-award-specialDLeipzigGalactic Empire6
11.11.István T.HKimleFirst Order6
12.12.Benjamin aka "Lambertus"DTarmstedtSienar Geek SystemsGalactic Empire3
13.13.André aka "Tannenwart"DNeustrelitzGalactic Empire0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Thüringer Bratwursttorpedos (2)9.00
2.Flight Club Berlin (3)8.00
3.X-Swingers (3)7.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Berlin (5)7.80

Army Results:

1.Rebel Alliance (2)9.00
2.Scum and Villainy (1)9.00
3.Separatist Alliance (1)9.00
4.First Order (2)6.00
5.Galactic Republic (1)6.00
6.Resistance (1)6.00
7.Galactic Empire (5)4.80
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