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Tournament Results - HTL - Wie wäre es Seite an Seite mit einem Freund? III

Players' Awards

DJohann aka "Johann_Siegfried"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bestes Team
DPatrick aka "hambiebup"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bestes Team

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Army Total
1.1.GoldWeiss Blaue Strategen54
Alex aka "Cedric19"DPuchheimMonsters of Middle-Earth0
Olaf aka "LeonDeGrande"DDachauDesolator of the North0
Julian aka "Julian_Krause"DFeuchtThe Serpent Horde0
Daniel aka "IziNachuy"DFürthErebor0
3.3.BronzeStickstoffboyz Dick und Doof44
Ludwig aka "Nafe"DDachauDesolator of the North0
Mathieu aka "DelCyber"DOlchingAngmar0
4.4.Team 2 WBS41
Martin aka "dwarfde"DBergkirchenIsengard0
Matthias aka "maze"DMünchenIsengard0
5.5.Swiss Middle Earth Team40
Michael aka "Zuri3"CHBielDurin's Folk0
Antonio aka "Matrix64"CHStansThe Wizards0
6.6.Lässig aus'm Handgelenk37
Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"player-award-specialDOdelzhausenThe Army of Lake-town0
Patrick aka "hambiebup"player-award-specialDLangenpreisingMoria0
Lukas aka "Cpt_Skywalker"DMünchenThe Dead of Dunharrow0
Thomas aka "Crucks"DMünchenDesolator of the North0
8.8.Stickstoffboyz Dicker und Doofer34
Christoph aka "Der-Dealer"DAugsburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
Ferdinand aka "Bob_Der_Troll"DMünchenDesolator of the North0
9.9.Team Snake-Eyes34
Felix aka "Celeborn_der_Weise"DKirchheimMordor0
Flo aka "Flo_DWBR"DKirchheimMordor0
Anton aka "MrMueJunior"DErfurtAngmar0
Karsten aka "MrMue"DHalleRohan0
11.11.Stickstoffboyz - Brachiorex31
Paul aka "RatedR"DRockoldingLothlórien0
Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachauThe Wanderers in the Wild0
12.12.Swiss Middle Earth Team 228
Ian aka "The_Dreaded"CHSurseeMoria0
Philip aka "Haleth"CHSt. GallenMoria0
13.13.Swiss Middle-Earth Team 027
Tim aka "Fantusch"CHWinterthurThe Trolls0
Lukas aka "LukasW"CHZürichThe Trolls0
14.14.Augsburger Nazgulkiste27
Moritz aka "Himmelskrieger"DAugsburgAngmar0
Maximilian aka "Resture"DKönigsbrunnElrond's Household0
15.15.Team Albrand25
Paul aka "XarfaiEngel"DReutlingenRohan0
Christian aka "DLT"DTübingenLothlórien0
16.16.Die Tänzelnden Eber25
Luis aka "Loisl"DEbersbergThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
Alexander aka "Xandi"DEbersbergThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
17.17.Fucking Sensationell25
Maxi aka "Galdaran"DEinsbachNúmenor0
Michael aka "michitaryan"DDachauThe Fiefdoms0
Leo aka "PartyPooper"DPassauThe Wizards0
Ferdinand aka "FTF1310"DPassauGuardians of the Carrock0
19.19.Mordor`s Schergen22
Axel aka "Aryn"DZellerbergMoria0
Martin aka "MKSharingan"DMünchenMinas Tirith0
20.20.Stickstoffboyz - Die Schöne und das Biest21
Tom aka "Reazzn"DPfaffenhofen an der IlmThe Dead of Dunharrow0
Daniela aka "Preglerin"DOdelzhausenLothlórien0
21.21.Mini Painter20
(anonym)Thorin's Company0
Axel aka "TribbleA"DNürnbergThorin's Company0
22.22.Die Schrecken des waldes16
Sebastian aka "Sablbon"DNeuöttingAngmar0
David aka "Lonestar102"DNeuöttingAzog's Hunters0
23.23.Dreif(l)uss-Hobbits II14
Jonas aka "Dosenwurst123"DPassauThe Fiefdoms0
Lukas aka "Gor"DWeidenMinas Tirith0
24.24.Team Bruchpunkt3
Sebastian aka "Cerwy"DHofThe Tower of Ecthelion0
Tobias aka "Golgiapparillo"DStammbachThe Fiefdoms0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Dachau (4)38.50
2.München (5)34.20
3.Kirchheim (2)34.00
4.Augsburg (2)30.50
5.Odelzhausen (2)29.00
6.Ebersberg (2)25.00
7.Passau (3)20.67
8.Neuötting (2)16.00

Army Results:

1.Monsters of Middle-Earth (1)54.00
2.Erebor (1)45.00
2.The Serpent Horde (1)45.00
3.Desolator of the North (4)42.25
4.Isengard (2)41.00
5.Durin's Folk (1)40.00
6.The Army of Lake-town (1)37.00
7.Mordor (2)34.00
8.The Wizards (2)32.00
9.The Wanderers in the Wild (1)31.00
10.Angmar (2)30.00
11.Angmar (2)29.50
12.The Dead of Dunharrow (2)29.00
13.Moria (4)28.75
14.Rohan (2)28.50
15.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (3)28.00
16.The Trolls (2)27.00
16.Elrond's Household (1)27.00
17.Lothlórien (3)25.67
18.The Fiefdoms (1)25.00
18.Númenor (1)25.00
19.Guardians of the Carrock (1)24.00
20.Thorin's Company (2)20.00
21.Minas Tirith (2)18.00
22.Azog's Hunters (1)16.00
23.The Fiefdoms (2)8.50
24.The Tower of Ecthelion (1)3.00
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