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HTL - 4. Mittelerdemoschen - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

AAntonio aka "Brazork"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
ADaniel aka "DTu"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Daniel Nr1.
AStephan aka "stevo-23"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Was kostet die Welt?

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Antonio aka "Brazork"player-award-bestgeneralAInnsbruckTeam TirolThe Grey Company78
2.2.p2Alexander aka "Allvater"AWienWiener BlutDol Guldur75
3.3.p3Michael aka "KurlVeranek"AVompTeam TirolThe Legions of the White Hand68
4.4.Daniel aka "TDU"AInnsbruckTeam TirolIsengard62
5.5.Cornelis aka "Niels23"AMauterndorfTeam TirolThe White Council60
6.6.Daniel aka "DTu"player-award-specialAInnsbruckTeam TirolHarad57
7.7.Alex aka "Cedric19"DPuchheimWeiss Blaue StrategenHarad55
8.8.Danilo aka "DaniloM"AInnsbruckTeam TirolUmbar49
9.9.Stephan aka "stevo-23"player-award-specialAMuttersTeam TirolThranduil's Hall41
10.10.Olaf aka "LeonDeGrande"DDachauWeiss Blaue StrategenRohan31
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Team Tirol (7)59.29
2.Weiss Blaue Strategen (2)43.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Innsbruck (4)61.50

Army Results:

1.The Grey Company (1)78.00
2.Dol Guldur (1)75.00
3.The Legions of the White Hand (1)68.00
4.Isengard (1)62.00
5.The White Council (1)60.00
6.Harad (2)56.00
7.Umbar (1)49.00
8.Thranduil's Hall (1)41.00
9.Rohan (1)31.00
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