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Carry ton Noob #1 / Partie N00b - List of Participants

1. Gael aka "urnotwrex"FCampagnac1498Stormcast Eternalsyes
2. Romain aka "Patafix"FPuteaux1581Orruk Warclansyes
3. Sam aka "PigeonSadique"FGrenoble2008Stormcast Eternalsyes
4. Julien aka "Judorange"FLa Chapelle-Laurent664Stormcast EternalsMort et Tonnerreyes
5. Thibaut aka "choupak"FGif-Sur-Yvette90Hedonites of Slaaneshyes
6. Jean-Mathieu aka "Draekker"FBrassac-les-Mines982NighthauntMort et Tonnerreyes
7. Dimitri aka "DimDim"FEybens1416Gloomspite GitzBGdu38yes
8. Richard aka "Ylgdraven"FLe Pont De Claix1716Soulblight Gravelordsyes
9. Boris aka "Palantyr"FGrenoble1773Disciples of TzeentchLeviossaaaaaaaayes
10. Antoine aka "H4wkx"FBrié-Et-Angonnes1479Idoneth Deepkinyes
11. Paola aka "Poppy"FVif1276Sons of BehematBaston !yes
12. Quentin aka "Grombridal"FVilleurbanne1319Lumineth Realm-Lordsyes
13. Gisele aka "gigiplus"FSeyssins1393Nighthauntyes
14. Fouladoux aka "architecte"FSeyssins1867Seraphonyes
15. Guillaume aka "Saxe"FGrenoble809Orruk Warclansyes
16. Lucas aka "Caillette"FGrenoble830Soulblight Gravelordsyes
17. Philippe aka "Tydas"FMontbonnot-Saint-Martin1548SeraphonMoiyes
18. Jean aka "ChairJ"FSt Egreve1067Gloomspite Gitzl'araignée gipsyyes
19. Ronan aka "Belin"FGrenoble1431Grand Alliance Destructionyes
20. Yvann aka "Alkayoyo"FLyon1668Kharadron Overlordsyes

Distribution of Armies
Stormcast Eternals:3
Gloomspite Gitz:2
Orruk Warclans:2
Soulblight Gravelords:2
Disciples of Tzeentch:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Idoneth Deepkin:1
Kharadron Overlords:1
Lumineth Realm-Lords:1
Sons of Behemat:1
Distribution of Origins
Isère (38):13
Rhône (69):2
Aveyron (12):1
Cantal (15):1
Puy-de-Dôme (63):1
Essonne (91):1
Hauts-de-Seine (92):1
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