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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer 40K Place 2196 - Erwan aka "Triskel" from FLyon

Erwan made following placements at W40K-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
3There is Only War 2 - TeamF69150 DécinesT'au Empire2019-09-2224482.38%+0%0.9224%0.22
3gob'ain fever !F01160 Neuville Sur AinNecrons2019-11-1014343.17%+0%0.9122%0.20
14Delta Force TwoF69003 LyonT'au Empire2019-09-0830532.38%+0%0.6920%0.14
2Qualif inter region ARA 1 - TeamF38300 Bourgoin JallieuAstra Militarum2019-05-1124481.78%+0%0.5418%0.10
5Summer Tournament 40k - TeamF38090 VillefontaineT'au Empire2019-06-0924481.78%+0%0.3716%0.06
More tournaments:
2There is Only War - 40KF69150 DécinesT'au Empire2019-04-288201.78%+0%0.31--
6Delta 69 : First ETCF69007 LyonDrukhari2018-05-1316371%+0%0.25--
9Training post etcF69007 LyonNecrons2018-08-1116371%+0%0.17--
4Qualificatifs IR 2017 - Rhône Alpes Auvergne - TeamF69004 LyonDrukhari2017-01-2249670.42%+0%0.16--
18R-Gaming ExterminatusF01220 GrillyT'au Empire2019-04-0722451.78%+0%0.15--
4Qualification ETC 2020 - D3 G - Lyon - TeamF69003 LyonImperial Knights2019-12-1533563.17%+0%0.06--
9Tournoi de Mars et ça r'part !F69007 LyonAstra Militarum2016-03-0518400.24%+0%0.05--
12Tournoi Double la "Delta 69" Lyon War Club. - TeamF69007 LyonDrukhari2016-12-0432550.32%+0%0.05--
6Qualification ETC 2018: 2ème Division Sud - TeamF38200 MontceauAstra Militarum2018-01-2148660.75%+0%0.04--
7Valentine's TournamentF69007 LyonAstra Militarum2016-02-1414340.18%+0%0.03--
3Poutre et chatiment Sudiste équipe III - TeamF13109 Simiane CollongueSpace Wolves2015-10-2524480.18%+0%0.03--
17Le retour retouné des MafieuxF69007 LyonAstra Militarum2016-08-2820430.32%+0%0.02--
14Blood and Snow 2015F73000 BarberazSpace Wolves2015-03-0124480.1%+0%0.02--
9Les Mafieux le retourF69007 LyonSpace Wolves2015-08-0214340.13%+0%0.02--
4La rentrée des mafieux - TeamF69007 LyonChaos Daemons2014-10-2621440.08%+0%0.02--
4Tempête du Désert LyonnaisF69007 LyonSpace Wolves2015-06-208200.13%+0%0.02--
9LDM Winter Tournament 2014 - TeamF38300 Bourgoin-JallieuChaos Daemons2014-11-3048660.08%+0%0.01--
8La pelle aux Bolts 2013F63360 GerzatSpace Marines2013-11-0321440.04%+0%0.01--
5LDM Saint Valentin Tournament - TeamF38300 Bourgoin-JallieuSpace Wolves2015-02-1418400.1%+0%0.01--
9LDM ESCF38300 Bourgoin-JallieuSpace Wolves2016-09-1810250.32%+0%0.01--
6Last Action Figouz' - TeamF69007 LyonDark Angels2015-12-1336580.18%+0%0.01--
17Le Printemps des Chats Geeks IIIF69007 LyonSpace Marines2015-05-0320430.1%+0%0.01--
17Annecy Ludique - Les Dés GivrésF74000 AnnecyChaos Daemons2014-11-0921440.08%+0%0.01--
14La Première FondationF69100 BronSpace Marines2014-02-0918400.06%+0%0.01--
11La Faute aux DésF69007 LyonChaos Daemons2014-06-2914340.06%+0%0.00--
4Assaut sur Grog IVF69003 LyonSpace Marines2016-10-08400.32%+0%0.00--
14Summer Games Villefontaine WH40kF38090 VillefontaineNecrons2018-07-0714341%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 146. Place in the SWL-ranking of FFrance
* 619. Place in the WAoS-ranking of FFrance
* 304. Place in the SWL-ranking of Europe
* 1316. Place in the WAoS-ranking of Europe
* 5877. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Le retour retouné des Mafieux: player-award-armycompBest Army Composition
* R-Gaming Exterminatus: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Summer Tournament 40k: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* gob'ain fever !: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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