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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - King In The North III

1.Yohann aka "touba"FPoilly lez GienAbyssal Dwarfs
2.Vincent aka "Julo62"FHénin-BeaumontUndead
3.Jean aka "Twerk"FLilleHoly Roman Empire
4.Tanguy aka "MyreilleST"FLilleTrident Realms of Neritica
5.Paco aka "Iblis"ESaint OmerAnglo-Saxons
6.Arthur aka "Alchamelk"FArrasIndian
7.Olivier aka "Orckel"FLilleOrcs
8.Samuel aka "expunk"FVilleneuve D' AscqDwarfs
9.Noah aka "XVT367"FVilleneuve D'ascqGoblins
10.Alex aka "Alexlesec"FMarlyKingdoms of Men
11.Albéric aka "Gustul"FNoeux Les MinesMongols
12.Eric aka "Ancilla"FOutreauElves
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