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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Les Space Gobelins a l'envers Août 2016

1.Benoit aka "Ben-ito"FSt Laurent de CerdansScum and Villainy
2.Julie aka "Mazarbul"FToulougesScum and Villainy
3.Pierre-Come aka "Ithil"FLos MasosGalactic Empire
4.Edwin aka "Marsul"FPonteillaGalactic Empire
5.Simon aka "Pistoufleche"FAngersGalactic Empire
6.Lionel aka "Dwodin"FCéretRebel Alliance
7.Régis aka "Our-Sagratt"FToulougesRebel Alliance
8.Manu aka "Mosquito"FAngersRebel Alliance
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