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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Fast and Furious d'Uchronies samedi 25 Avril

1.Vincent aka "carcous"FRémire MontjolyLegion of Everblight
2.Jean-Alexandre aka "Oxayotl"FOrsayTrollblood
3.Clément aka "Plazma"FParisCryx
4.Rémi aka "Arkio"FAsnières-Sur-SeineThe Skorne
5.Gilles aka "robomatix"FCreilKhador
6.Sylvain aka "Brisou"FVincennesLegion of Everblight
7.Bertrand aka "stiffler"FRomilly-Sur-SeineThe Skorne
8.Nicolas aka "Zahariell"FVanvesThe Skorne
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