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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Bavarian Masters 2015

1.Martin aka "Ranhothep"SKBratislavaThe Skorne
2.Florian aka "brEmSEr"AWienLegion of Everblight
3.Michael aka "UK2"UKEdinburghThe Circle Orboros
4.Moritz aka "Last-Knight"DMünchenCryx
5.Martin aka "Prometheus"DMünchenConvergence of Cyriss
6.Enno aka "Sauklaue"DEsslingen am NeckarThe Skorne
7.Erich aka "Erich"AWienThe Circle Orboros
8.Ulrich aka "C0lt"DUlmRetribution of Scyrah
9.Hans Jörg aka "Hajo"DFellbachProtectorate of Menoth
10.Janos aka "Nessos"HBudapestMinions
11.Harald aka "ikildkenny"DStuttgartMercenaries
12.Andreas aka "Pagan"DPassauCryx
13.Gergely aka "gergely"CHAdliswilCryx
14.Erik aka "Darkhammer"DHainburgCryx
15.Lorand aka "xor"HBudapestTrollblood
16.Stefan aka "Ruad"ASalzburgThe Skorne
17.Das Bin aka "Ze_German"DErfurtKhador
18.Luke aka "UK3"UKUnited KingdomLegion of Everblight
19.Andreas aka "Andrasch"DErfurtRetribution of Scyrah
20.Julian aka "Saviour"DFreisingMercenaries
21.Phil aka "Graf_Apokalypse"ASalzburgLegion of Everblight
22.Martin aka "Matto"SKBratislavaCygnar
23.Máté Mátyás aka "pattinson"HBudapestThe Skorne
24.Florian aka "Mosi"DMünchenKhador
25.Jakob aka "Seetroll"DKonstanzCygnar
27.Matthias aka "THE_MONK"DGermeringKhador
28.(anonym)Legion of Everblight
29.Andreas aka "GadrAl"DBrackenheimLegion of Everblight
30.Steffen aka "White_Templer"DErfurtCygnar
31.Enes aka "Cryxus"DTuttlingenCryx
32.Viktor aka "Corteswain"DVogtareuthTrollblood
33.Andre aka "Kirin"CHUznachRetribution of Scyrah
34.Werner aka "W-Roxas"DKonstanzMinions
35.Andreas aka "Andreas"DNeufahrn bei FreisingThe Skorne
36.Andreas aka "Andue"DHeidelbergProtectorate of Menoth
37.Marvin aka "Whargas"DOlchingCryx
38.Nicolas aka "Lt_Gaga"DKonstanzKhador
39.Norbert aka "SevenGreen"DErfurtTrollblood
40.Florian aka "Voggo"DMünchenThe Circle Orboros
41.Robi aka "Turambar"CHUerikonThe Circle Orboros
42.Niel aka "grumpytoad"DMunichThe Skorne
43.Botond aka "Botond"CHAdliswilThe Circle Orboros
44.Thomas aka "Yurdahil"CHReinachThe Circle Orboros
45.Sascha aka "oger"DCalw- AlthengstettCygnar
46.Becky aka "UK1"UKEdinburghCygnar
47.László aka "MrWu"ASalzburgMinions
48.Tobia aka "Grima"DUlmProtectorate of Menoth
49.Lukasik aka "Ironman-on-acid"AKrems an der DonauProtectorate of Menoth
50.Dusan aka "Team_Tyrant_1"SKBratislavaLegion of Everblight
51.Csaba aka "Ren"HBudapestKhador
52.Thomas aka "Tanklinn"DGermeringTrollblood
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