Players' Awards
Player | Award |
Christoffer aka "Lantes" | Special Prize - ExplosionsVerwürfler |
David aka "da_Gigaboss" | Best Army Composition |
Dennis S. | Youngblood |
Ronald aka "DaObaboss" | Best Painted |
(anonym) | Best General |
Thomas aka "Nachtfang" | Quizmaster |
Volker aka "VolkerK" | Fairest Player |
Single Player Results:
No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Team Bubblegum | 51 |
| | (anonym) | | Bretonnia | 0 |
| | (anonym) | | Empire | 0 |
2. | 2. | BLACK | 44 |
| | Thomas aka "Nachtfang" | Mayen | Daemons of Chaos | 0 |
| | Daniel aka "Metalmonni" | Koblenz | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
3. | 3. | Sissy-Slayer | 44 |
| | Georg aka "Genius" | Andernach | Dwarfs | 0 |
| | Christoffer aka "Lantes" | Treis-Karden | High Elves | 0 |
4. | 4. | Schluckspecht | 36 |
| | David aka "da_Gigaboss" | Koblenz | Vampire Counts | 0 |
| | Marcel aka "Qbyrd" | Faid | Daemons of Chaos | 0 |
5. | 5. | Betreutes Würfeln II | 34 |
| | Max aka "Wippedipp" | Düren | High Elves | 0 |
| | Andreas aka "Herzog-Orgrim" | Niederzier | Dwarfs | 0 |
6. | 6. | Lucky Loosers | 33 |
| | Ronald aka "DaObaboss" | Daun | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
| | Alex aka "Xer0" | Dohr | Empire | 0 |
7. | 7. | Mr. Patrick und Sidekick | 17 |
| | Dennis S. | Kehrig | Dark Elves | 0 |
| | Patrick M. | Mayen | Empire | 0 |
8. | 8. | Betreutes Würfeln I | 17 |
| | Peter aka "DucDeGuerre" | Düren | Bretonnia | 0 |
| | Volker aka "VolkerK" | Köln | High Elves | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |
City Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Origin | Points |
1. | Aachen (2) | 51.00 |
2. | Koblenz (2) | 40.00 |
3. | Mayen (2) | 30.50 |
4. | Düren (2) | 25.50 |
Army Results:
Place | Army | Points |
1. | Chaos Warriors (1) | 44.00 |
2. | Daemons of Chaos (2) | 40.00 |
3. | Dwarfs (2) | 39.00 |
4. | Vampire Counts (1) | 36.00 |
5. | Bretonnia (2) | 34.00 |
6. | Empire (3) | 33.67 |
7. | Ogre Kingdoms (1) | 33.00 |
8. | High Elves (3) | 31.67 |
9. | Dark Elves (1) | 17.00 |