Players' Awards
Single Player Results:
No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Duo Ludis | 68 |
| | Adrien aka "Corback" | Rémy | Eldar | 68 |
| | Thomas aka "Thorfin" | Beuvraignes | Space Marines | 68 |
2. | 2. | Duo Ludis 3 | 64 |
| | Florent aka "Morativi" | Soissons | T'au Empire | 64 |
| | Fred aka "Karhandras" | Marle | Grey Knights | 64 |
3. | 3. | Hobby One 2 | 50 |
| | François aka "TCD" | Liernu | Cult Mechanicus | 50 |
| | Steeger aka "Looser" | Amay | Khorne Daemonkin | 50 |
4. | 4. | Hobby One Zero | 46 |
| | Cyril aka "Ryl" | Huy | Imperial Knights | 46 |
| | Raphael aka "Attila-1" | Huy | Space Marines | 46 |
5. | 5. | MLF | 43 |
| | Gautier aka "Zeg" | Lille | Tyranids | 43 |
| | Damien aka "Azuriel" | Wattignies | Necrons | 43 |
6. | 6. | Papy Mougeot le retour | 42 |
| | Jean Luc aka "tatav" | Senlis | Blood Angels | 42 |
| | Jocelyn aka "Jauslyn60" | Pimprez | Cult Mechanicus | 42 |
7. | 7. | The Casuals | 41 |
| | Ludwic aka "unsc" | Erpent | Eldar | 41 |
| | Ludovic aka "Morgoth813" | Rixensart | Eldar | 41 |
8. | 8. | Hobby one | 40 |
| | Fredericc aka "nsMessiah" | Huy | Orks | 40 |
| | Timothée aka "Kiiwii" | Vilvoorde | Orks | 40 |
9. | 9. | Z-Team | 39 |
| | Arnaud aka "deadpool" | Loos | Chaos Daemons | 39 |
| | David aka "Vorak" | Marcq-En-Baroeul | Chaos Space Marines | 39 |
10. | 10. | Bad Dice Throwers I | 39 |
| | Jeremie aka "HeStan" | Namur | Space Marines | 39 |
| | Louis aka "tordek_urside" | Namur | Imperial Knights | 39 |
11. | 11. | Bad Dice Throwers II | 36 |
| | Jonathan aka "Le-Voyageur" | Huppaye | Cult Mechanicus | 36 |
| | Jonathan aka "captule" | Dinant | Tyranids | 36 |
12. | 12. | BoltClubGun 1 | 34 |
| | David aka "Goron" | Les Bons Villers | Eldar | 34 |
| | Michael aka "Maka1043" | Rèves | Space Wolves | 34 |
13. | 13. | Royal Chattards | 32 |
| | Paul aka "Ephidel" | Loos-En-Gohelle | Drukhari | 32 |
| | Armand aka "Armand" | Wattignies | Orks | 32 |
14. | 14. | Ragnarork | 32 |
| | David aka "UCreed" | Maisnil Les Ruitz | Orks | 32 |
| | Estelle aka "Est_Stel" | Harnes | Orks | 32 |
15. | 15. | Hobby One 3 | 31 |
| | Kevin aka "mimoon" | Amay | Imperial Knights | 31 |
| | Julien aka "Feel_No_Pain" | Huy | Iron Hands | 31 |
16. | 16. | Troll N Roll | 30 |
| | Sébastien aka "Wally" | Habergy | Eldar | 30 |
| | Julien aka "Dawnstrike" | Arlon | T'au Empire | 30 |
17. | 17. | Duo Ludis 2 | 28 |
| | David aka "davsand" | Villeneuve St Germain | Necrons | 28 |
| | David aka "Davsand_Clone" | Wasmes | Dark Angels | 28 |
18. | 18. | Mandragore | 25 |
| | François aka "Frans" | Autre-Eglise | Chaos Daemons | 25 |
| | Gérald aka "Gerwald" | Perwez | Necrons | 25 |
19. | 19. | BoltClubgun Section H | 15 |
| | Jeremy aka "Mych_" | Louvain La Neuve | Chaos Space Marines | 15 |
| | Bastien aka "Tyraus" | Namur | Dark Angels | 15 |
20. | 20. | Le pwal du poulay | 11 |
| | Bertrand aka "Requin_tigre" | Beaudignies | Astra Militarum | 11 |
| | Christophe aka "Poulay" | Rouen | Space Wolves | 11 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |
City Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Origin | Points |
1. | Huy (4) | 40.75 |
2. | Amay (2) | 40.50 |
3. | Wattignies (2) | 37.50 |
4. | Namur (3) | 31.00 |
Army Results:
Place | Army | Points |
1. | Grey Knights (1) | 64.00 |
2. | Space Marines (3) | 51.00 |
3. | Khorne Daemonkin (1) | 50.00 |
4. | T'au Empire (2) | 47.00 |
5. | Eldar (5) | 42.80 |
6. | Cult Mechanicus (3) | 42.67 |
7. | Blood Angels (1) | 42.00 |
8. | Tyranids (2) | 39.50 |
9. | Imperial Knights (3) | 38.67 |
10. | Orks (5) | 35.20 |
11. | Chaos Daemons (2) | 32.00 |
11. | Drukhari (1) | 32.00 |
11. | Necrons (3) | 32.00 |
12. | Iron Hands (1) | 31.00 |
13. | Chaos Space Marines (2) | 27.00 |
14. | Space Wolves (2) | 22.50 |
15. | Dark Angels (2) | 21.50 |
16. | Astra Militarum (1) | 11.00 |