No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Cedric aka "rulesbreaker" | Poliez-Le -Grand | - | Dark Elves | Le vieux Toby | yes | yes |
2. | Laurent aka "Bigweed" | Pailly | 43 | Beastmen | Le vieux Toby | yes | yes |
3. | Xavier aka "mestralix" | Fey | 16 | Empire | Le vieux Toby | yes | yes |
4. | Mathieu V. | Romanel | - | High Elves | Le vieux Toby | yes | yes |
5. | Victor aka "sevic" | Corcelles | 10 | High Elves | Dream team | yes | yes |
6. | Paul aka "polux" | Montmollin | 5 | Wood Elves | Dream team | yes | yes |
7. | Kevin aka "Grimgor122" | Neuchatel | 44 | Orcs & Goblins | Dream team | yes | yes |
8. | Kris aka "KrogGar" | Diessenhofen | 15 | Lizardmen | Mini-Rams w.g.b. | yes | yes |
9. | Jeffrey aka "TheTemplar" | Lufingen | 140 | Ogre Kingdoms | Mini-Rams w.g.b. | yes | yes |
10. | Kerim aka "Koroyosh" | Meierskappel | 57 | Vampire Counts | Mini-Rams w.g.b. | yes | yes |
11. | Vincent aka "Aselnious" | Hoenheim | 46 | Dark Elves | Mini-Rams w.g.b. | yes | yes |
12. | Alan aka "2dipicche" | Solduno caput mundi | 11 | Vampire Counts | Quattro Chuchichäschtli | yes | yes |
13. | Stefan aka "darksteve" | Balzers | 21 | Skaven | Quattro Chuchichäschtli | yes | yes |
14. | Thomas aka "Buchi" | Oetwil am See | 49 | Bretonnia | Quattro Chuchichäschtli | yes | yes |
15. | Filip aka "Pulps" | Minusio | 8 | Orcs & Goblins | Quattro Chuchichäschtli | yes | yes |
16. | Roberto aka "Tino" | Hergiswil | 97 | Dwarfs | Shadowlords | yes | yes |
17. | Patrick aka "psrizzo" | Olten | 74 | Vampire Counts | Shadowlords | yes | yes |
18. | Markus aka "Red_Lizard" | Zürich | 71 | Lizardmen | Shadowlords | yes | yes |
19. | Allan aka "Pizzaiolo" | Pully | 25 | Daemons of Chaos | Young Blood | yes | yes |
20. | Loris aka "Atomik" | Chavornay | 39 | Dwarfs | Young Blood | yes | yes |
21. | Thomas aka "TheLegend27" | Jouxtens | 18 | Dark Elves | Young Blood | yes | yes |
22. | Christian aka "ElDorte" | Luzern | 70 | Tomb Kings | Legendary Black Giant | yes | yes |
23. | Heiko aka "Muadib76" | Basel | 54 | High Elves | Legendary Black Giant | yes | yes |
24. | Caspar aka "Igor_the_Zygor" | Luzern | 62 | Lizardmen | Legendary Black Giant | yes | yes |
25. | Christian aka "Sharknado" | Luzern | 51 | Chaos Warriors | Legendary Black Giant | yes | yes |
26. | Jonathan aka "Murglud" | Bussigny | 1 | Daemons of Chaos | BAD COMPANY | yes | yes |
27. | Arnaud aka "Arkalak" | Préverenges | 9 | Ogre Kingdoms | BAD COMPANY | yes | yes |
28. | Vincent aka "Azy" | Grolley | 58 | High Elves | BAD COMPANY | yes | yes |
29. | Raphaël aka "Gabriel" | Pont-De-La-Morge | 22 | Vampire Counts | BAD COMPANY | yes | yes |
30. | Damien aka "Damdam" | Lausanne | 115 | Lizardmen | Les Chevaliers du Caquelon | yes | yes |
31. | Frank aka "Frankarstein" | Penthalaz | - | Vampire Counts | Les Chevaliers du Caquelon | yes | yes |
32. | Florian V. | Martigny | - | Dwarfs | Les Chevaliers du Caquelon | yes | yes |
33. | Patrick aka "saucisse_et_gigot" | Bussigny | - | Ogre Kingdoms | Les Chevaliers du Caquelon | yes | yes |
34. | Stefan aka "Estugon" | Bernhardzell | 14 | Chaos Warriors | Shadowlords | yes | yes |
35. | Jonathan aka "Styx88" | Sion | 42 | Ogre Kingdoms | La Vouivre What else? | yes | yes |
36. | Florent aka "klug" | Lausanne | 161 | Empire | La Vouivre What else? | yes | yes |
37. | Jérôme aka "MaLaTaTeT" | Sierre | 99 | Daemons of Chaos | La Vouivre What else? | yes | yes |
38. | Niklaus aka "Jacqouille" | Sion | 101 | Vampire Counts | La Vouivre What else? | yes | yes |
39. | Tiziano aka "Tipiz" | Vessy | 17 | Vampire Counts | Young Blood | yes | yes |
40. | Christophe aka "LeLamasu" | Sion | 135 | Lizardmen | Dream team | yes | yes |
41. | Charles aka "Ushabti" | Grandfontaine | 50 | Chaos Dwarfs | Aigles séquanes 4 | yes | yes |
42. | Aurélien aka "tifo" | Besançon | - | Chaos Warriors | Aigles Séquanes 2 | yes | yes |
43. | Matthieu aka "Saphiro" | Besançon | 153 | High Elves | Aigles séquanes 4 | yes | yes |
44. | Julien aka "Juvin" | Saône | 45 | Lizardmen | Aigles séquanes 3 | yes | yes |
45. | Vincent aka "ptitnain" | Montrond Le Chateau | - | Orcs & Goblins | Aigles séquanes 4 | yes | yes |
46. | Dominique aka "Papadom" | Montrond Le Chateau | - | Wood Elves | Aigles séquanes 3 | yes | yes |
47. | Charles aka "Carlos_70" | Vesoul | 68 | Dwarfs | Aigles séquanes 3 | yes | yes |
48. | Cyril aka "Sakamin" | Besançon | 131 | Vampire Counts | Aigles séquanes 1 | yes | yes |
49. | Aurélien aka "Aurel_J" | Besançon | 176 | Lizardmen | Aigles Séquanes 2 | yes | yes |
50. | (anonym) | | - | Skaven | Aigles séquanes 1 | yes | yes |
51. | Maxime aka "Athrus1111" | Franois | - | Empire | Aigles Séquanes 2 | yes | yes |
52. | Kevin aka "Reskan" | Metz | 64 | Wood Elves | Aigles séquanes 5 | yes | yes |
53. | (anonym) | | - | Skaven | Aigles Séquanes 2 | yes | yes |
54. | Marc aka "panda-70" | Vesoul | 145 | High Elves | Aigles séquanes 5 | yes | yes |
55. | Louis aka "Juggernaut" | Grandfontaine | 35 | Chaos Warriors | Aigles séquanes 1 | yes | yes |
56. | Yohann aka "Cornolio" | Besançon | 124 | Bretonnia | Aigles séquanes 1 | yes | yes |
57. | Mathieu aka "sairuss" | Chenecey-Buillon | 166 | Chaos Warriors | Aigles séquanes 3 | yes | yes |
58. | Anthony aka "Loriel" | Besançon | 148 | Beastmen | Aigles séquanes 5 | yes | yes |
59. | Thomas aka "tomtomdu25" | Novillars | 69 | Bretonnia | Aigles séquanes 4 | yes | yes |
60. | Frederic aka "dizzy70" | port sur saone | 147 | Vampire Counts | Aigles séquanes 5 | yes | yes |
61. | Xavier aka "Biboun_Slayer" | Switzerland | 4 | Bretonnia | ROOTS | yes | yes |
62. | Aurélien aka "Bibounn" | Lausanne | 40 | High Elves | ROOTS | yes | yes |
63. | Antoine aka "ledwarfou" | Lausanne | 33 | Dwarfs | ROOTS | yes | yes |
64. | Dimitri aka "Dim" | Ecublens VD | 7 | Empire | ROOTS | yes | yes |
List of teams
No. | Name | Members |
1 | BAD COMPANY | Murglud, Arkalak, Azy, Gabriel |
2 | Young Blood | Tipiz, Atomik, TheLegend27, Pizzaiolo |
3 | Le vieux Toby | Bigweed, rulesbreaker, mestralix, Mathieu V. |
4 | ROOTS | Biboun_Slayer, Bibounn, ledwarfou, Dim |
5 | Legendary Black Giant | ElDorte, Muadib76, Igor_the_Zygor, Sharknado |
6 | Dream team | sevic, polux, Grimgor122, LeLamasu |
7 | Les Chevaliers du Caquelon | Damdam, Frankarstein, Florian V., saucisse_et_gigot |
8 | La Vouivre What else? | Styx88, klug, Jacqouille, MaLaTaTeT |
9 | Quattro Chuchichäschtli | 2dipicche, darksteve, Buchi, Pulps |
10 | Shadowlords | psrizzo, Red_Lizard, Estugon, Tino |
11 | Aigles séquanes 4 | Ushabti, Saphiro, ptitnain, tomtomdu25 |
12 | Aigles Séquanes 2 | (anonym), Athrus1111, Aurel_J, tifo |
13 | Mini-Rams w.g.b. | KrogGar, TheTemplar, Koroyosh, Aselnious |
14 | Aigles séquanes 3 | Juvin, Papadom, Carlos_70, sairuss |
15 | Aigles séquanes 1 | Sakamin, Juggernaut, Cornolio, (anonym) |
16 | Aigles séquanes 5 | Loriel, dizzy70, panda-70, Reskan |
Distribution of Armies |
Vampire Counts: | 9 |
High Elves: | 7 |
Lizardmen: | 7 |
Chaos Warriors: | 5 |
Dwarfs: | 5 |
Bretonnia: | 4 |
Empire: | 4 |
Ogre Kingdoms: | 4 |
Daemons of Chaos: | 3 |
Dark Elves: | 3 |
Orcs & Goblins: | 3 |
Skaven: | 3 |
Wood Elves: | 3 |
Beastmen: | 2 |
Chaos Dwarfs: | 1 |
Tomb Kings: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Switzerland: | 42 |
France: | 19 |
Liechtenstein: | 1 |