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Dark Dice, Dark Gods - 5. Würfelgötter aSoIaF Turnier - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Jan aka "Durazag"DGelsenkirchen72BoltonDie Würfelgötter e.V.no
2. Tobias aka "Tobythebrush"DMonheim am Rhein467StarkStickstoffboyzno
3. Sara aka "Alice666"DDuisburg116BaratheonDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgno
4. Kai Robin aka "Lupusdey90"DNeunkirchen135TargaryenSiegerländer Bastardeno
5. Sebastian aka "Spielstein"DDuisburg125BoltonDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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