Huxleys Open 2025: Age of Sigmar |
Description: Die Berliner Wargamingbetriebe laden euch auch dieses Jahr zum Huxleys Open 2025 - AoS ein, die Reiche der Sterblichen zu erobern und ewigen Ruhm zu erlangen!
Organizer: Horuz (Contact)
Gamesystem: Warhammer Age of Sigmar (WAoS)
Start: 2025-08-23 08:00
End: 2025-08-24 17:00
Seats: 64
Charge: 65 € (Box Office: 75 €)
Huxleys Neue WeltHasenheide 10710967 BerlinGermany
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The organizer team has organized the following tournaments, too:
| Visitors, who participate in this tournament, are also going to the following tournaments: