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Tournamentgroup - Convention de L'Alliance 2017

Tournois Individuels :

- Batailles Fantastiques - Le 9e Age
- Blood Bowl
- Warmachine / Hordes

L'Alliance 2017 - BF Le 9e Âge
Gamesystem: The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles (T9A)
Start: 2017-10-29 08:30
End: 2017-10-29 19:00
Date: ics
Seats: 60
Charge: 12 EUR (Box Office: 15 EUR)
Load: 43%

L'Alliance 2017 - Warmachine / Hordes
Gamesystem: Warmachine (WM)
Start: 2017-10-29 08:30
End: 2017-10-29 19:00
Date: ics
Seats: 32
Charge: 12 EUR (Box Office: 15 EUR)
Load: 56%

L'Alliance 2017 - Blood Bowl
Important: The tournament has been canceled!

Gamesystem: Blood Bowl (BB)
Start: 2017-10-29 08:30
End: 2017-10-29 19:00
Date: ics
Seats: 20
Charge: 12 EUR (Box Office: 15 EUR)
Load: 0%

Salle Polyvalente Emile Roger
rue des Tours
F59167 Lallaing

Seats: 112
Load: 39%

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