No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | hupdiduuuh!!! Die Zweite! | 153 |
| | David aka "Wildjack" | Karlsruhe | Orcs & Goblins | 0 |
| | Andreas aka "Raskild" | Karlsruhe | Daemons of Chaos | 0 |
| | Florian aka "Rabe" | Freiburg | Vampire Counts | 0 |
2. | 2. | Team Karlsruhe | 134 |
| | Heiko aka "Lord_Comander" | St. Katharienen | Vampire Counts | 0 |
| | Nico aka "Kryo" | Karlsruhe | Empire | 0 |
| | Samuel aka "Louen_XIII" | Karlsruhe | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
3. | 3. | Team Hooters | 131 |
| | Bernd aka "Spellbound" | Birkenheide | Tomb Kings | 0 |
| | Christoph aka "Eldar-Lord" | Speyer | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
| | Heiko aka "schobionline" | Speyer | Daemons of Chaos | 0 |
4. | 4. | Dogs of War | 130 |
| | (anonym) | | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
| | (anonym) | | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
| | Bernd aka "Tacticus" | Dannstadt-Schauernheim | Empire | 0 |
| | Tobias aka "Belgaraht" | Ottersheim | Beastmen | 0 |
5. | 5. | Biernasen | 129 |
| | (anonym) | | Empire | 0 |
| | Dennis aka "Byronic_Hero" | Mannheim | Chaos Dwarfs | 0 |
| | Sebastian aka "Hermite" | Mannheim | Dark Elves | 0 |
6. | 6. | Springerteam | 120 |
| | Florian aka "Shin" | Ladenburg | Lizardmen | 0 |
| | Severin aka "Sarevoc" | Limburgerhof | Tomb Kings | 0 |
| | Nicola aka "Nyx" | Mannheim | Skaven | 0 |
7. | 7. | Philliecheesepeople | 117 |
| | Philip aka "Bassmeister" | Mannheim | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
| | Sascha aka "Schattenlicht" | Gerolsheim | Tomb Kings | 0 |
| | Dennis aka "Masterskrabbe" | Worms | High Elves | 0 |
8. | 8. | Orcland Raiders | 112 |
| | Marcel aka "Qbyrd" | Koblenz | Lizardmen | 0 |
| | Georg aka "Genius" | Andernach | Dark Elves | 0 |
| | David aka "da_Gigaboss" | Koblenz | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
9. | 9. | Team Stuttgart | 105 |
| | Sebastian aka "Kuppy" | Korb | Vampire Counts | 0 |
| | Dirk aka "GSE" | Kornwestheim | Bretonnia | 0 |
| | Nico aka "999Tzeentch999" | Stuttgart | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
10. | 10. | Die Ganzhintenaufsteller | 104 |
| | Thorsten aka "carstein" | Mannheim | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
| | Oliver aka "Heidelberger" | Sandhausen | High Elves | 0 |
| | Heiko aka "Daemonic" | Ettlingen | Vampire Counts | 0 |
11. | 11. | Michael Geringer Fanclub Yo | 102 |
| | Michael aka "Chaosbiene" | Mannheim | Dark Elves | 0 |
| | Thomas aka "Scrub" | Marburg | Orcs & Goblins | 0 |
| | Sven aka "NorthlandSlayer" | Frankfurt am Main | Vampire Counts | 0 |
12. | 12. | Braindead | 99 |
| | Peter aka "Catweazle_" | Mosbach | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
| | Güney aka "Asrai" | Tübingen | Daemons of Chaos | 0 |
| | Christian aka "Ratneck" | Waldbrunn | Skaven | 0 |
13. | 13. | Orcland Raiders II | 97 |
| | Daniel aka "Metalmonni" | Bassenheim | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
| | Ronald aka "DaObaboss" | Daun | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
| | Alex aka "Xer0" | Dohr | Empire | 0 |
14. | 14. | Balls of Steel | 93 |
| | Veit aka "DerFeind" | Nieder-Olm | Bretonnia | 0 |
| | Martin aka "Mightwalk" | Wiesbaden | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
| | Michael aka "DerNebel" | Mainz | Empire | 0 |
15. | 15. | Maniacs | 87 |
| | Tobias aka "Zeus-" | Ettlingen | Dark Elves | 0 |
| | Martina aka "Bazinga" | Karlsruhe | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
| | Franklin aka "skywalker" | Karlsruhe | Vampire Counts | 0 |
16. | 16. | WOZ | 82 |
| | Uwe aka "Sir_Talretard" | Aschaffenburg | Wood Elves | 0 |
| | Jan aka "Lord_of_Sofa" | Eisenbach | Dwarfs | 0 |
| | Jonathan aka "Gobbo" | Bad Camberg | Orcs & Goblins | 0 |
17. | 17. | Saar-Pfalz-Chaoten | 80 |
| | Sebastian aka "quiet_quality" | Zweibrücken | Dark Elves | 0 |
| | Bernhard aka "Rolan" | Zweibrücken | Tomb Kings | 0 |
| | Sebastian aka "rickon" | Zweibrücken | Bretonnia | 0 |
18. | 18. | goobyplz | 72 |
| | Jan aka "Nevinyral" | Pfungstadt | Dwarfs | 0 |
| | Alexander aka "amithir" | Pfungstadt | Dark Elves | 0 |
| | Valentin aka "Vallo" | Langen | Ogre Kingdoms | 0 |
19. | 19. | Saar-Pfalz-Chaoten II | 65 |
| | Ralf-Kilian aka "Drazhoath" | Blieskastel | Chaos Dwarfs | 0 |
| | Andre N. | Altheim | Daemons of Chaos | 0 |
| | Thomas Z. | Pinningen | Empire | 0 |
20. | 20. | Dreisam Krieger | 53 |
| | Harald aka "Arostan" | March | Tomb Kings | 0 |
| | Dieter aka "Hagashin" | Freiburg | Dark Elves | 0 |
| | Natalie aka "Pandora" | March | Chaos Warriors | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |