No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | La Meute d’en Haut | 448 |
| | Franck aka "Goul" | Villeneuve d Ascq | Disciples of Tzeentch | 0 |
| | Andrea aka "gultars" | Aubière | Grand Alliance Order | 0 |
| | Camille aka "Loukrage" | Paris | Orruk Warclans | 0 |
| | Paul aka "Neow" | Suresnes | Stormcast Eternals | 0 |
| | Hadrien aka "Bouynours" | Villeurbanne | Blades of Khorne | 0 |
| | Jorin aka "TableRase" | Courbevoie | Seraphon | 0 |
| | Michael aka "Miladin" | Paris | Flesh-eater Courts | 0 |
| | Christophe aka "salchr" | Versailles | Skaven | 0 |
2. | 2. | Aether force | 334 |
| | Olan aka "Olan" | Boulogne Billancourt | Sons of Behemat | 0 |
| | Seb aka "Koubiak" | Paris | Cities of Sigmar | 0 |
| | Arnaud aka "Spenson" | Puteaux | Gloomspite Gitz | 0 |
| | Thibaut aka "choupak" | Gif-Sur-Yvette | Grand Alliance Chaos | 0 |
| | Nicolas aka "spoon" | Paris | Tamurkhan’s Horde | 0 |
| | Amine aka "caledor" | Paris | Tamurkhan’s Horde | 0 |
| | Tiphaine aka "theophaniel" | Paris | The Legion of Azgorh | 0 |
| | Vincent aka "Kailtas" | Mantes La Jolie | Daughters of Khaine | 0 |
3. | 3. | ACE | 297 |
| | Julien aka "Linkoln" | Saint Michel Sur Orge | Orruk Warclans | 0 |
| | Martin aka "Gloin" | Maisons-Laffitte | Skaven | 0 |
| | David aka "Lonewolf31" | Sainte-Geneviève-Des-Bois | Sons of Behemat | 0 |
| | Simon aka "Scimme" | Limoges | Disciples of Tzeentch | 0 |
| | Thibault aka "Ankor" | Paris | Sons of Behemat | 0 |
| | Laurent aka "Greedo-" | La Forêt Du Temple | Grand Alliance Destruction | 0 |
| | Nicolas aka "Marsu" | Bordeaux | Grand Alliance Order | 0 |
| | Damien aka "Kororo" | Breux Jouy | Grand Alliance Destruction | 0 |
4. | 4. | Les Poneys Fringants | 273 |
| | John aka "bobthebomb" | Montpellier | Beasts of Chaos | 0 |
| | Tanguy aka "Elonn" | Saint Martin Belle Roche | Grand Alliance Order | 0 |
| | Laurent aka "Liet-Haderach" | Le Crès | Ossiarch Bonereapers | 0 |
| | Christophe aka "Gaheriet" | Castelnau Le Lez | Nighthaunt | 0 |
| | Yoann aka "Bi_BI_" | Fontaine Les Dijon | Fyreslayers | 0 |
| | Nicolas aka "Kikort" | Pézenas | Seraphon | 0 |
| | Ruddy aka "capuche" | Dijon | Skaven | 0 |
| | Aurélien aka "Zarlophe" | St Jean De Vaux | Nighthaunt | 0 |
5. | 5. | Frakass' Team des batailles fantastiques | 248 |
| | Romain aka "S1lv3rj4ck" | Ermont | Ogor Mawtribes | 0 |
| | Hervé aka "spartanherve" | Malakoff | Beasts of Chaos | 0 |
| | Victor aka "Vico75" | Puteaux | Grand Alliance Order | 0 |
| | Clément aka "vividede" | Paris | Stormcast Eternals | 0 |
| | Jérôme aka "MELI0DAS" | Biscarosse | Grand Alliance Destruction | 0 |
| | Antoine aka "Orgerix" | Montrouge | Gloomspite Gitz | 0 |
| | Kevin aka "Dante_Amadeus" | Auneau-Bleury_Saint-Symphorien | Grand Alliance Chaos | 0 |
| | Cedric aka "Lasril" | Gennevilliers | Kharadron Overlords | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |