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TTK ASOIAF - Vereinsliga Q1 25 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Constantin aka "Doctor_Destiny"DBurghausen259BaratheonTabletop Knightsno
2. Christoph aka "hahnc77"DBurghausen61MartellTabletop Knightsno
3. Andreas aka "fchenjaeger"DTroisdorf / Rotter See212Brotherhood Without BannersTabletop Knightsno
4. Hannes aka "KingNagash"AMining105Night's WatchTabletop Knightsno
5. Kevin aka "acid3003"DWurmannsquick254StarkTabletop Knightsno
6. Chris aka "Sisyphus"AHochburg-Ach30BaratheonTabletop Knightsno
7. Herwig aka "Crossible"DMühldorf am Inn167Brotherhood Without BannersTabletop Knightsno
8. Bernhard aka "Slavius"DMühldorf am Inn46Night's WatchTabletop Knightsno
9. Moritz aka "BigMoe"DBurghausen104MartellTabletop Knightsno
10. Ludwig aka "Westeros"DTüßling-StarkTTKno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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