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The Kraken's Wrath III - Teamkuscheln - List of Participants

1. Peter aka "ElErecose"DHamburg247TargaryenSeaport Raiders - Last of the Talions Crewyes
2. Jan aka "Gnortz"DHamburg18Brotherhood Without BannersTabletop Freibeuteryes
3. Jan-Hendrik aka "hAnzee"DHamburg77MercenariesSeaport Raiders - Last of the Talions Crewyes
4. Ben aka "Nobody040"DGeesthacht149Night's WatchTabletop Freibeuteryes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
5. Martin aka "Iceman"DPeine9StarkHits and Critsno
6. Leif aka "Jabbaalot"DLüneburg88MartellSeaport Raiders - Last of the Talions Crewno
7. Julius aka "eXe"DBörnsen101BaratheonTabletop Freibeuterno
8. Jan-Ole aka "Honey_BADGEr"DWolfsburg40LannisterHits and Critsno
9. Alex aka "AjaxAchilles"DHamburg224Free FolkFirst and Onlyno
10. Chris aka "Skuzzelbud"DMolfsee569BoltonKein Team, Rücksprache Julius&Benno
11. Johann aka "DerLi"DHamburg-BaratheonBrauche noch einsno
12. Andre aka "Toxicandrew1"DHamburg569TargaryenTabletop Freibeuter Winterdaddyno
13. Eugen aka "Eule22459"DHamburg366GreyjoyTabletop Freibeuter Winterdaddyno

List of teams

1Tabletop FreibeuterNobody040, Gnortz
2Seaport Raiders - Last of the Talions CrewElErecose, hAnzee
Registered teams
3Hits and CritsIceman, Honey_BADGEr
4Tabletop FreibeutereXe
5Seaport Raiders - Last of the Talions CrewJabbaalot
6First and OnlyAjaxAchilles
7Kein Team, Rücksprache Julius&BenSkuzzelbud
8Brauche noch einsDerLi
9Tabletop Freibeuter WinterdaddyToxicandrew1, Eule22459

Distribution of Armies
Brotherhood Without Banners:1
Night's Watch:1
Distribution of Origins
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