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4. Almost Decent Tournament - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Gerrit aka "BigBoy"DBornhöved1462Astra MilitarumTabletopTemplarnono
2. Davina aka "HolyAngel"DAchtrup1753Adeptus Custodesnono
3. Björn aka "Epidemic"DSchwentinental62Death GuardWeekend Warriorsnono
4. Till aka "JaenkeT"DLübeck160EldarBaltic Brawlernono
5. Jan-Fabian aka "Jay-Everest"DKiel1606Imperial KnightsWeekend Warriorsnono
6. Stefan aka "Smalchi"DHamburg941TyranidsPowergamer Inc.nono
7. Boris aka "Borito82"DKiel713Necronsnono
8. Sebastian aka "suebbe"DLüneburg3189Death Guardnono
9. Marc aka "grimmi-gork"DRendsburg854Space MarinesGTGnono
10. Bernd aka "Pirat666"DNeumünster842NecronsTürstoppernono
11. Julian aka "Dakka_Daddy"DKiel223OrksWeekend Warriorsnono
12. Silvio aka "Raupe"DNiedersachsen - Dannenberg (Elbe797Adeptus Custodesnono
13. Niklas aka "Taschentuch"DKiel1748Imperial Knightsnono
14. Christian aka "Stoni"DItzehoe439EldarDaConflictnono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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