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Belgian Grand Open Fantasy

This years Belgian Grand Open will be a two day event with 5 games of rather standard Fantasy missions with a twist. 2400pts armies. Rulespack to be announced very soon. New location near Aalst. Catering will be provided on-site, and parking space won't be an issue.

Organizers: Tom_ep (Contact), K-OS (Contact), Chosen_of_Sigmar (Contact)

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Gamesystem: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Start: 2012-07-07 10:00
End: 2012-07-08 18:00
Seats: 100
Charge: 25 (Box Office: 35 €)
Schrovestraat 22 A
9280 Wieze

Website: http://www.rankingdernederlanden.eu

Info: The tournament has ended.


2012-06-18 09:02
Extra Info about the event

** Food and drinks are provided at the event. It is not allowed to bring your own food/drinks. The organisation will provide the following:
- sandwich cheese/ham (3.00€)
- super hot dog (3.00 €)
- french fries (3.00 €) - stew (2.50 €) - curry sausage (1.00 €)

** During the event, a second-hand fair will be organised to help others out with some stuff you don't longer need! Just bring your models, books, ... (connected with wargaming) with a clear list of the items you want to sell (mentioning your name, cell phone number, name + price) and hand them over to the organisation on Saturday morning.

written by Tom_ep
2012-06-04 15:34
Hotel Stay for BGO

Hey guys,

There's an old inn at 100m of the venue called "het Brouwershuis". It's as close as we can find without going to Aalst or Dendermonde.

Room with breakfast:
2 single bed room: 50€/night
single bed room: 35€/night

At the moment there should still be 4 single person and 3 double person rooms available.

het Brouwershuis, Wiezeplein 1 te B-9280 Wieze
tel. 053 / 77.48.18 - fax. 053 / 21.10.84


The org crew

written by Tom_ep
2012-05-10 21:15
Rulespack available!

Ruleset can be found HERE.

written by Tom_ep

Recommended Tournaments
The organizer team hasn't organized any tournaments yet.Visitors, who participated in this tournament, are also going to the following tournaments:
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