Player Profile - Fendulac
Player Profile |
Name: | Fendulac |
Status: | Organizer |
Origin: | 45700 Chevillon Sur Huillard |
Age: | 46 |
Team: | Bashmasters |
Club: | |
Favorite game: | Kings of War |
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Friends (11)
 Dame _du_ Lac
Description: La peur tue l'esprit KoW: Toutes les armées Même nains du chaos ...
Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Kings of War:
- Abyssal Dwarfs
- Basileans
- Dwarfs
- Elves
- Empire of Dust
- Forces of Nature
- Forces of the Abyss
- Goblins
- Kingdoms of Men
- League of Rhordia
- Ogres
- Orcs
- Ratkin
- Salamanders
- The Herd
- Twilight Kin
- Undead
- Varangur
Man O'War:
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (58500+ Points):
- Beastmen - 3000 Points
- Bretonnia - 4000 Points
- Chaos Dwarfs - 4000 Points
- Chaos Warriors - 4000 Points
- Daemons of Chaos - 4000 Points
- Dark Elves - 3000 Points
- Dogs of War - 2000 Points
- Dwarfs - 3000 Points
- Empire - 5000 Points
- High Elves - 4000 Points
- Lizardmen - 3000 Points
- Ogre Kingdoms - 3000 Points
- Orcs & Goblins
- Skaven - 6000 Points
- Tomb Kings - 1500 Points
- Vampire Counts - 5000 Points
- Wood Elves - 4000 Points
Total: 4 Games, 39 Armies, 58500 Points
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