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Gaming Clubs - Warhammer Fanatics-Konstanz

Club Details
Name: Warhammer Fanatics-Konstanz
Contact: Warhammer_Fanatics (Contact), Halcyon (Contact), DoltharSodjath (Contact), Karls-Franz (Contact), Hellfire (Contact), AlrikRanulfsson (Contact), Djinn (Contact), harkle (Contact)
Meeting Place: Konstanz
Address: Fürstenbergstr.85
78467 Konstanz
Description: * Spielabende / tage veranstalten, an denen wir uns gemeinsam verabreden um zu spielen oder einfach nur zum Fachsimpeln.
* Kampagnen veranstalten
* Turniere organisieren
* Spiele gegen andere Clubs organisieren
* Eine Warhammerliga gründen, in der alle die daran teilnehmen, gegeneinander antreten (jeder gegen jeden). Die Gesamtergebnisse werden dann in einer Ligatabelle auf unserer Homepage veröffentlicht.
* Bei genügend Mitglieder, möchten wir uns auch bei GW offiziell anmelden
* Sonstige Aktivitäten veranstalten
Website: http://www.warhammer-fanatics.de
contactContactmembershipRequest membership

MembersTabletopsClub PlacementsTournaments
0. Place in the SAGA-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the SWL-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the A-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the ASoIF-clubranking of Europe
29. Place in the Inf-clubranking of Europe
85. Place in the W40K-clubranking of Europe
110. Place in the T9A-clubranking of Europe
160. Place in the XWING-clubranking of Europe
191. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of Europe
192. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the SAGA-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the SWL-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the ASoIF-clubranking of DGermany
29. Place in the Inf-clubranking of DGermany
33. Place in the T9A-clubranking of DGermany
77. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of DGermany
84. Place in the W40K-clubranking of DGermany
122. Place in the XWING-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the W40K-clubranking of AAustria
0. Place in the W40K-clubranking of CHSwitzerland
0. Place in the Inf-clubranking of CHSwitzerland
0. Place in the A-clubranking of CHSwitzerland
18. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of CHSwitzerland
18. Place in the XWING-clubranking of CHSwitzerland
0. Place in the W40K-clubranking of FFrance
0. Place in the XWING-clubranking of FFrance
0. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of FFrance
100. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of FFrance

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