T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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At least 3 characters. Only letters (no umlauts), digits, '-' and '_' are allowed.
First name:
Last name:
Please select the country where you're currently living.
privacyStreet Address:
privacyEmail address:
privacyBirthday:-- (dd-mm-yyyy)
Time zone:
Homepage (optional):
Please enter in the form http://www.yourdomain.com.
Description (optional):
 I don't want to be listed in the public (this means for example the players', the participants' or the ranking lists).
 I have read the Terms and I accept them.

T³ is caring about your privacy. Although we request some of your sensible data, which you probably don't want to tell a website, we're very carefull about it. The fields marked bold are private and are only accessable by the organizers of the tournaments you sign up for. They won't be used for anything else and never given to any third parties. The information like your exact home address and telephone number is for the organizer for the tournament management (for example if you've signed up and payed for a tournament, but don't show up) or for emergency cases. Your full birthday is never shown and only used to get your age to respect local laws for the protection of the youth.

Data like your name or your age will also be shown on your public profile. We have a couple of options to control the exact behaviour. For example: Your full name will only visible for registered users on your public profile. You can change this to visible by every visitor, only your friends or just none (tournament sign ups don't take this into account).

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©2004-2025. T³ is operated by Althaus.IT.