“That’s Judgement folks!” @ RheinCon
A registration for the RheinCon at http://rheincon.page5.de/wordpress/ is mandatory.
If you paid for the convention, please contact me and you will be marked “payed” for this tournament as well.
If the demand is high, we will evaluate further space.
The exact time table will be released nearer to the event.
Rules Pack:
- we play 3v3 games, with the Veto format
- all Kickstarter models + Maltique + Cradol are legal
- Most likely not all models are shipped then. (Wave 2 missing). For all KS models not released, Proxies are allowed.
- V1 models are allowed
- painting not required
- Maps will be revealed at the event.
- there might be opportunities to lend some models. Please contact me if interested.