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NTRv3.0 Germany - Warmachine Place 327 - Christoph aka "SuperNanento46" from DSt. Ingbert

Christoph made following placements at WM-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
41. Darmstädter Warmachine/Hordes TEAMTURNIER - TeamD64289 DarmstadtThe Circle Orboros2017-10-1424480.56%+0%0.1524%0.04
1611. Deutsche Warmachine/ Horde MeisterschaftD63303 DreieichTrollblood2016-11-2048660.32%+0%0.1422%0.03
24Heavy Metal Dayz 2015 - Psycho Circus - TeamD46149 OberhausenThe Circle Orboros2015-07-26126850.13%+0%0.0520%0.01
8SaarCon 2016: WaHo NG+WMD66123 SaarbrückenKhador2016-10-3014340.32%+0%0.0518%0.01
1Pro Beatdown 2D71638 LudwigsburgTrollblood2014-08-1622450.08%+20%0.0416%0.01
More tournaments:
4Full Metal Snot XVIID55116 MainzTrollblood2015-06-2016370.13%+0%0.04--
316. Ludwigsburger Stronghold SiegeD71638 LudwigsburgTrollblood2015-05-3014340.13%+0%0.04--
9HMD 2014 - Kindergeburtstag - TeamD46149 OberhausenProtectorate of Menoth2014-07-06126850.06%+0%0.04--
81. Wormser WM/H-TurnierD67549 WormsThe Circle Orboros2015-07-1117400.13%+0%0.03--
339. Deutsche Warmachine/Horde Meisterschaft 2014D63303 DreieichCryx2014-11-2364740.08%+0%0.03--
7Dead Fish Gladiators #18 - NiNOvaganzaD69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2015-04-2516370.1%+0%0.02--
6Full Metal Snot XVI - NikolausturnierD55116 MainzCryx2014-12-0614340.1%+0%0.02--
2Dead Fish Gladiators #14b - 宝宝D69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2014-08-2312300.08%+0%0.02--
1Saar-Hammer Gentlemen Beat UpD66115 SaarbrückenTrollblood2014-03-0110250.06%+20%0.02--
19Heavy Metal Dayz 2013 - Grim's Märchen - TeamD46149 OberhausenThe Circle Orboros2013-05-12120850.03%+0%0.01--
4Dienstagliches Dolchdojo im Saar-Hammer Bonka IIID66115 SaarbrückenKhador2016-09-106110.32%+0%0.01--
1Orkoides Metallprügeln 1D55116 MainzThe Circle Orboros2013-06-1514340.03%+20%0.01--
2Dead Fish Gladiators #16 - Just like Kevin BaconD69115 HeidelbergCryx2014-11-158200.08%+0%0.01--
4Dead Fish Gladiators #11 - Tiger Blood & Adonis DNAD69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2014-01-2516370.04%+0%0.01--
2Weihnachtswichtelturnier im Château HoffD66646 MarpingenLegion of Everblight2013-12-2312300.04%+0%0.01--
2Metallverbiegen im Saar-Hammer BonkerD66115 SaarbrückenLegion of Everblight2013-11-0912300.04%+0%0.01--
1Orkoides Metallprügeln 2D55116 MainzThe Circle Orboros2013-08-1710250.03%+20%0.01--
4Dead Fish Gladiators #4D69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2013-06-0816370.03%+0%0.01--
65. Bonner Kantinenspiele (WM/Ho) Teamturnier - TeamD53121 BonnTrollblood2014-06-2824480.06%+0%0.01--
11Dead Fish Gladiators #12 - Twenty hacks from the axe of Axe!D69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2014-02-2216370.06%+0%0.01--
6Dead Fish Gladiators #7 - Coyote TangoD69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2013-08-2414340.03%+0%0.01--
5Dead Fish Gladiators #2D69115 HeidelbergThe Circle Orboros2013-03-2316370.02%+0%0.01--
4SaarCon Metallverbiegen 2013 BonkaVersionD66740 Saarlouis-RodenThe Circle Orboros2013-03-0914340.02%+0%0.01--
11Dead Fish Gladiators #8 - 怪獣 - Once in a LifetimeD69123 HeidelbergLegion of Everblight2013-10-1216370.04%+0%0.01--
5WutFocus im Gewölbekeller 20D54290 TrierThe Circle Orboros2013-05-259230.03%+0%0.00--
7Full Metal Snot XIIID55116 MainzThe Circle Orboros2013-09-2810250.04%+0%0.00--
6Saar-Hammer MetallverbiegenD66115 SaarbrückenThe Circle Orboros2013-04-2710250.03%+0%0.00--
10Dead Fish Gladiators #1D69115 HeidelbergThe Circle Orboros2013-02-0216370.02%+0%0.00--
12Dead Fish Gladiators #5D69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2013-07-1316370.03%+0%0.00--
5Metallverbiegen im Saar-Machine BunkerD65115 SaarbrückenTrollblood2013-07-068200.03%+0%0.00--
4WutFocus im Gewölbekeller 17D54290 TrierThe Circle Orboros2013-02-238200.02%+0%0.00--
1Warmachine Im Gewölbekeller 2D54290 TrierTrollblood2011-04-238200.01%+20%0.00--
8Warmachine im Gewölbekeller 3D54290 TrierCygnar2011-06-2518400.01%+0%0.00--
3WutFocus im Gewölbekeller 4.5D54290 TrierThe Circle Orboros2011-09-178200.01%+0%0.00--
2SaarCon MetallverbiegenD66740 SaarlouisThe Skorne2012-03-246110.01%+0%0.00--
9Metallverbiegen im SaarHammer-Bunka IID66111 SaarbrückenCygnar2011-08-2712300.01%+0%0.00--
16Wut-Focus im GewölbekellerD54290 TrierThe Circle Orboros2011-08-1318400.01%+0%0.00--
7Metallverbiegen im Saar-Hammer Bunka IIID66111 SaarbrückenCygnar2011-12-178200.01%+0%0.00--
1Dead Fish Gladiators #10 - Winter RampageD69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2013-11-16400.04%+20%0.00--
8Dead Fish Gladiators #13 - Survival of the fittest!D69115 HeidelbergTrollblood2014-03-298200.06%+0%0.00--
14Dead Fish Rumble #10D69115 HeidelbergThe Circle Orboros2013-01-1214340.02%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 138. Place in the GB-ranking of DGermany
* 242. Place in the MF-ranking of DGermany
* 314. Place in the WUS-ranking of DGermany
* 2066. Place in the WHFB-ranking of DGermany
* 2143. Place in the XWING-ranking of DGermany
* 4250. Place in the W40K-ranking of DGermany
* 258. Place in the GB-ranking of Europe
* 321. Place in the MF-ranking of Europe
* 580. Place in the WM-ranking of Europe
* 723. Place in the WUS-ranking of Europe
* 3913. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
* 5170. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 9555. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Dead Fish Rumble #10: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Gobbos mit Messern
* Dead Fish Gladiators #1: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Dead Fish Gladiators #2: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Schönster Scoresheet.
* Metallverbiegen im Saar-Machine Bunker: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Löffel gewinnt (ich kann lesen Award)
* Dead Fish Gladiators #8 - 怪獣 - Once in a Lifetime: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Fastest Caster Kill mit Schleifchen
* Metallverbiegen im Saar-Hammer Bonker: player-award-quizmasterQuizmaster
* Dead Fish Gladiators #10 - Winter Rampage: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Dominator + Rampager
* Dead Fish Gladiators #11 - Tiger Blood & Adonis DNA: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Dead Fish Gladiators #11 - Tiger Blood & Adonis DNA: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - R Dubya Award
* Pro Beatdown 2: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bester Veteran
* Dead Fish Gladiators #14b - 宝宝: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Dead Fish Gladiators #16 - Just like Kevin Bacon: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Würfelopfer
* SaarCon 2016: WaHo NG+WM: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Ralf Wagner Award
* 11. Deutsche Warmachine/ Horde Meisterschaft: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Best Trollbloods
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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