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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Deckfight-Tournament

1.Adrian aka "AdrianW"AViennaProtectorate of Menoth
2.Florian aka "brEmSEr"AWienKhador
3.Wolfgang aka "Ruffy"AMaria LanzendorfLegion of Everblight
5.Georg aka "Stachelbaer"AWienProtectorate of Menoth
6.Klaus aka "greywolf"AWienThe Skorne
7.Philip aka "Sanguis"ATullnerbachThe Circle Orboros
8.Daniel aka "Snot"AWienProtectorate of Menoth
9.Stefan aka "Lunatic_Machine"AWienKhador
10.(anonym)Protectorate of Menoth
11.Hardy aka "hellz0r"AWienCygnar
12.Harald aka "Harald"AWienCygnar
13.Michael aka "Mausbaer"ABad VöslauKhador
14.Andreas aka "Brueda"AWienTrollblood
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