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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Défis Alkemy - Printemps du Jeu

1.Guillaume aka "Gbo"FLyonAurlok Nation
1.Jerome aka "kennyisdead"FArbresleAurlok Nation
3.Julien aka "baron_van_raile"FChamberyKhaliman republic
4.Eric aka "rico73"FCogninAurlok Nation
5.(unkown)Empire of the Jade Triad
5.Philippe aka "Grimgaard"FChambéryAurlok Nation
5.Cédric aka "Paco"FGrenobleEmpire of the Jade Triad
5.Jules aka "Jules"FNancyEmpire of the Jade Triad
5.Dorian aka "aenur"FSiccieuKhaliman republic
10.(unkown)Kingdom of Avalon
11.Quentin aka "Kantin"FL'arbresleEmpire of the Jade Triad
12.Olivier aka "Olivier"FTavernollesKhaliman republic
12.(unkown)Khaliman republic
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