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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - BAC WARS Legion 2

1.Jérémie aka "Unholy"FCergyEmpire
2.Sébastien aka "Sebleg"FLe TraitGalactic Republic
3.Sebastien aka "sloops2"FLe HavreSeparatists
4.Pierre aka "ptit_pierre"FRouenRebels
5.Alexandre aka "Con_sans_Gains"FBourg-achardGalactic Republic
6.Matthieu aka "Mamatt76"FVergetotEmpire
7.Martin aka "Nosho7"FRouenRebels
8.Jeremy aka "Drakhaon"FLisieuxEmpire
9.Martial aka "Rangers_mar"FHavreGalactic Republic
10.Baptiste aka "Bachelkana"FSotteville-Lès-RouenSeparatists
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