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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Stras Wars 2

1.Robin aka "Rodeheus"FStrasbourgKhador
2.Sandie aka "Sanditos"FStasbourgLegion of Everblight
3.Kilian aka "Rawr"FBesançonLegion of Everblight
4.Mathieu aka "Fedmahn"FBesançonThe Circle Orboros
5.Laurent aka "eizekel"FRixheimCryx
6.Amine aka "Minh"FBischheimThe Circle Orboros
7.Kevin aka "Napalm"FJarnyTrollblood
8.Loïc aka "Ash"FKanfenKhador
9.Thierry aka "Ticamp_des_bois"FBesanconProtectorate of Menoth
10.Ludovic aka "madlax"FObermodernThe Skorne
11.Stéphane Alexandre aka "Canis_Thorgal"FStrasbourgTrollblood
12.Adrien aka "Yamaraja"FDossenheim-KochersbergCryx
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