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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Steirische Meisterschaften 2015 - Warmachine/Hordes

1.Erich aka "Erich"AWienThe Circle Orboros
2.Wolfgang aka "shakespeare"AGramatneusiedlMercenaries
3.Florian aka "brEmSEr"AWienLegion of Everblight
4.Stefan aka "Lunatic_Machine"AWienKhador
5.Bern aka "Bernhard"AWienProtectorate of Menoth
6.Thomas aka "Invader"AWienKhador
7.Raphael aka "raphi_23"AGrazProtectorate of Menoth
8.Daniel aka "the_corsair"AGrazThe Circle Orboros
9.David aka "Grave"APurkersdorfCygnar
10.(anonym)The Circle Orboros
11.Thomas aka "dommai"AGrazLegion of Everblight
12.Christopher aka "Grisi"ASeiersbergRetribution of Scyrah
13.Bernd aka "Eltharion"AGrazThe Skorne
14.Mischa aka "mischachen"AGrazCygnar
15.Armin aka "Lediatan"AGrazMinions
16.Sebastian aka "germi"AGrazConvergence of Cyriss
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